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  • Sahil

    February 12, 2023 at 6:13 PM

    The usage of car is expanding daily and it requires road structure to be properly maintained. Some people say government should handle road systems by themselves while some might argue that cost of maintenance should be bear by drivers. In my opinion, government alone must tackle with this problem by their own keeping in mind the welfare of society.

    In any country, government is a body which is working independently selflessly for people of their country to solve the problems which has impact on mass level. Considering the problem with road systems, as number of cars which are moving on road gets doubled in last 10 years, now the pressure is on road, and we need to keep maintaining road more often which requires more cost and amount of maintain these is enormous.

    On the other hand, drivers who are the end user in this case can maintain and follow the rules and regulations which are set up by local authorities to protect the road. There are some taxes which people are paying in the form of road maintenance, toll tax, etc. to keep the smooth flow of road for their vehicle. For instance, there is a guideline by government in India that people must not use the car which is 10 years older and people are following it.

    In conclusion, Government must take responsibility for maintaining the roads as the amount is huge. Also, I think government and drivers must work together to solve this problem because working alone will not solve this gigantic problem.

    Word Counts – 256 words

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