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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 25, 2021 at 12:12 AM

    There has always been an intriguing debate on the topic that whether the person migrating to another country should adopt the local traditions and customs or follow their native culture by forming a minority group. Although, I am a strong follower of idiom “when in Rome do as Romans do”, in the subsequent paragraphs, I will discuss both viewpoints.

    Whenever, a person relocates to a new country, he or she gets an opportunity to learn about culture and beliefs of local people, which might be entirely different than his or her native customs. By mingling with local communities, the person increases his opportunities to land a job in new country which is a big challenge faced by most of the immigrants. In case, the person decide not to follow the local’s way of living, he or she may become isolated and his or her social life may get ruined.

    On the other hand, the people who think immigrants should form minority communities, they intend to preserve their cultural traditions and language. They believe that adopting the local culture would cause a loss of the immigrants’ original language and culture. This has happened all over the world such as little India in Townhall, London and in Canada as well as China town. These tight knit communities can help each other in time of need and can also raise voice in the adverse situations such as hate crime etc.

    In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that by stepping outside our homeland we get chance to witness new culture, tradition and language and we should adopt the same wholeheartedly.

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