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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 10, 2021 at 10:39 PM

    Technology has revolutionized the entire world and people often rely on it for medical consultation; however, recent research suggests that depending upon unverified information, without qualified opinion, can be detrimental. People usually resort to self-medication, justifying themselves to be jack of all trade, thereby endangering their life. I strongly discourage such self-inflicting negative attitude in the society.

    Among all, the most popular method to gather such details, is with the help of Internet, which can be accessed from every corner of the world, thereby, providing crucial contradicting data at fingertips of the masses. For example, an illiterate person sitting in remote village of a third world country, can acquire the information provided by a distantly located doctor, without realizing the consequences of methods crucial to process that particular information. In addition, harnessing medical advice without proper consultation should be strongly averted.

    Although, this technological revolution, has not only helped us in enabling reach of therapies to far off places, but has also catered to the range of paramedics promptly, in the need of an hour. For instance, when the whole mankind was confined to the perimeter of their shelters, during worldwide covid-19 restrictions, technology proved itself to be the only silver lining. In fact, doctors’ resort to tele-consultation, for treating their patients, without it, there could have been serious repercussions.

    Furthermore, despite this digitization boon, people often resort to misleading information, easily acquired through popular social media platforms. I firmly believe that unregulated and accessible information, pertaining to an ailment, should be given under a physician only.

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