Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 29, 2021 at 9:53 PMAs per observation by many intellectuals that online reading of books and magazines in the form of electronic PDF books, kindle etc. will supersede print media. This essay strongly agrees with this statement that ever increasing intrusion and addiction of handheld devices in everyone’s life and omnipresent internet has increased the online content consumption manifold and has potential to replace paper based physical content in the time to come.
Firstly, the online content is easily accessible on demand and does not spoil after repeated usage, it is quite portable and one can carry thousands of books in ones smart devices without feeling burdened to carry significant weight. One can seamlessly switch devices and read the same content on their other gadgets. For instance, I buy books online which are instantly downloaded on my phone, I am able to read it on my iPad and seamlessly switch it on kindle, I also listen to audio book versions while driving which is quite convenient and refreshing.
Secondly, we cut millions and billions of trees to make paper which in turn is used for printing hard copies of such content. We also use printers to print lots of stationary which adds to carbon emissions. By cutting trees mindlessly we have drastically reduced green cover of our planet to such an extent that it culminated into catastrophic situations like global warming and other natural calamities like storms, floods, earthquakes, ozone layer depletion. For an example, countries which are participants of United Nations pledge to cut down on carbon emissions by 50% by the end of 2030 to stop further erosion of natural resources.
To conclude, it is strongly believed that online content consumption will finally make print media obsolete in near future which will not only safeguard our planet earth but also transform the way and at such ease the content is consumed.