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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2021 at 3:56 PM

    It is often argued that the subject of art is pivotal in the overall development of a pupil. A lot of people also debate .that domains such as painting and design are an underutilisation of time , especially in today’s technology driven times. I am a firm believer of the opinion, that learning art is paramount to inculcate an innovative thought-process.

    In the old times , sketching was one of the most sought after professions, around the globe.However, with changing times this has been replaced by monetarily driven occupations like Engineers, Medical professionals and so on. The under appreciation of art in today’s world is reflected in several professions where most individuals lack an “out of the box” or smarter approach to complete day to day tasks. We have seen also witnessed artists like Picasso being recognised several times for decades ,being one of the brightest human minds to have ever been born.

    On the other hand, due to art being one of the most underpaid profiles in the world, it is always undermined by a huge chunk of human population. Although, it is true that the emphasis on art needs to be more balanced, it is also necessary to streamline this entire profession. This will not only ensure that we produce more artists ,but will also encourage a shift from the commonly sought after professions ,to follow this career path. We have often seen examples of painters needing to resort to various professions , due to financial implications that are caused in becoming an artist.

    To conclude, I thoroughly believe that art needs to have an equal emphasis, even if it means children deviating to different professions in the future, as this skill is the foundation of all occupations that exist in today’s world.

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