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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    February 2, 2022 at 10:07 AM

    184 words

    Hi Sir,

    Please accept my sincere apologies for my absence from the event held yesterday as I have to be available in another equally necessary event.

    I am extremely sorry for not being able to attend this crucial event because I have to be there in another event held for the advancement of the technology on which we are currently working in our project. Since it is the educational event and knowledge gathered from here can be used for the good on our project so I though it will be a better headway to utilize my time in this event.

    I still can be able to get information about the missed event as I told a team member to record a thorough video so that I can watch it later also I’ll get in touch with the people who attend the event to get the essential elements I missed here.

    At the end, kindly forgive me for the same, I ‘ll try not to clash the events in future as I’ll work on to plan them more accurately.

    Your faithful

    Sawrnim Dixit

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