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  • Bhargav

    February 24, 2022 at 1:44 PM

    The above pie charts show data relating to the household share of investing in essential items in China from 1995 to 2011, These categories are calculated in %

    overall the information from the chart shows us the food was the major expense in the years 1995 and 2011 followed by clothing and household goods, medicine was quite not in demand in both the years respectively

    Both of the top two categories food and clothing saw a downtrend during this 16-year timeline, whereas clothing lost just 1% going from 19 to 18% and food dipped badly from 68% to 59% by losing 9 percentage

    on the other hand, medicine and household goods are the lowest budget necessities in china in both the years but still, they both showed a phenomenal increment in both years respectively, medicine increased from 4 to 11 percent and household goods increased from 9 to 12 percent with a moderate change

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