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  • isha

    April 19, 2022 at 5:45 PM

    he following line graph illustrates the distinct causes of air pollution in the UK between 1990 and 2005.

    Overall, the air pollution due to industry is decreasing linearly till the end of the period, however the pollution caused by (households) and transport experienced both (an) upward and downward trend.

    In 1990, pollution(air pollutants/contaminants) from industry origin(originated) which is(was) approximately 5 MT, it( was )higher than transport and households. It is(was) slightly declining(declined) in 1993, after that there was a rapid surge till 1996, which is(was) around 3 MT. From 1996 to 2002, pollution is(was) linearly lowering to 2 MT and finally it became steady by 2005.

    Both households and transport caused ups and downs in pollution and had similar pattern till 1999, later pollution from transport becomes steady till 2005 and pollution due to households is rapidly declining and roughly becomes 0.2 MT by the period end. The total air pollutants of these three sources are drastically reducing from about 7 MT in 1990 to 3 MT in 2005.

    (The total number of pollutants emitted into the air gradually reduced to about 5 million tonnes by 2005. Further, the industry with the highest amount of contaminants with 5.5 million tonnes in 1990 gradually declined to about 2 million tonnes in 2005. Despite the figures for transport and household emissions being equal at the beginning of the period, there was a slight increase in the number of air pollutants from transport to 1 million tonnes by 2005, while the household emission dropped to a negligible level at 0.1 million tonnes at the end of the period.)


    Use words like air pollutants, contaminants etc as this graph is highlighting those points.

    You may want to use past tense when you are explaining graphs.

    Last paragraph is a sample para for your reference.

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