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  • Arun

    May 19, 2022 at 10:29 AM

    154 Words.. Timed to 20 Minutes

    The above bar graph shows data relating to the comparison of expenditure between France and UK on consumer goods in 2010. These categories are calculated in Pounds Sterling. Clearly, both the countries had a dramatic spending on all consumer goods in 2010 except much for perfumes.

    Although France was the leading player on consuming Computers and Perfumes by a marginal difference of 25000 Pounds Sterling and 10000 Pounds Sterling respectively than UK.

    In Contrast, UK had shown a significant spending than France on certain common goods like Cars, Books and Cameras by a substantial difference of 50000 Pounds Sterling, 100000 Pounds Sterling and 21000 Pounds Sterling respectively.

    In Conclusion, France had only a modest high in spending on Computers and Perfumes than UK while in terms of expenditure on Cars, Books and Cameras UK is leading France by a sharp difference which is also depicted in the bold 100% rise in Cameras in 2010.

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