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  • Sheeba

    August 23, 2022 at 2:03 PM

    Unlike the obsolete format of parenting adhering to strict boundaries, most parents these days believe in the prominence of choosing the free-willed type of parenting style. In this essay, I will be discussing my opinion of boundless parenting to give a logical outcome.

    Although picking a style of parenting is directly proportional to your set objectives, permitting your children to have the liberty to be themselves could lead to more confidence and autonomy. They develop a distinct relationship based on requited admiration and their need to feel heard and respected is fulfilled. As blossoming kids that pick up cues on myriad aspects of this society, it is essential for them to understand that their choice matters. As a result, they become strong individuals with self-respect and social skills. For example, at age seven, my niece had the liberty to choose her playdates and this aided her in improvising her social development. I have witnessed her becoming more empathetic, more understanding, and having an overall holistic development over the years.

    Although this type of parenting is supported, it has the detrimental effects of becoming stubborn and materialistic. Occasionally, minors find it arduous to compromise even daily facets of life that they become audacious and uncooperative. For example, if my niece’s choice of eggs is not fulfilled for a day, she throws a fit and turns the house upside-down. Unless the eggs are brought, she stops consuming her food. This form of freedom beyond a certain dosage can become toxic. Keeping that in mind, I firmly believe it can be treated via communication. Helping these children through gentle, yet honest conversation by making them realize that they are wrong can prevent them from reflecting the same pattern.

    In conclusion, parenting with freedom is good for children and it can help them become much better adults in the future. On the contrary, an over-saturated exposure to choices can have damaging outcomes but it can be worked on. But, the infants that have been exposed to this at an early stage in life grow up of their own accord, with their rules, and successfully contribute to society. In this day and age, that is very pivotal.


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