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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 5, 2021 at 10:34 PM

    Complex Sentences

    1. Schools must advocate the subjects related to art and music even though parents want only subjects based on logic such as information technology, mathematics, etc.

    2. It is imperative that schools include a variety of subjects in their curriculum because it helps students to develop desired skills by opting for subjects of their choice.

    3. A student can not perform well in subjects based on mathematics if his or her mind is more inclined towards the subjects pertinent to art and craft.

    4. While we are appreciating the steller advancement of science and technology, one cannot deny the importance of art and music.

    5. Schools should be allowed to remove the art and music subjects from the curriculum provided that parents are well informed about the proposal.

    Compound Sentences

    1. The subjects related to art make students more creative and subjects such as mathematics, information technology, etc help students to develop the logical part of the brain.

    2. Schools are adding new subjects based on music and parents are very excited about this change.

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