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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 9, 2021 at 10:01 PM

    Usefulness of advertising has been questioned by many. Some believe that advertisements are a way to attract people into buying unnecessary products. However, I think advertisements educates a person about the product and it’s functions.

    On one hand, people argue that advertisements are luring people into buying products that are not necessary to them.Nowadays, the sole purpose of advertisements is to gain a person’s attention rather than telling the real facts about the product. A lot of ads are deceiving customers by depicting false information about the product and proving it helpful for the public.
    For example, Many India’s were deceived by advertisements from a company broadcasted on popular news channels which promised to produce inexpensive phones and demanded prebooking.

    On the contrary, I believe that advertising is convenient way to showcase a product’s features and functionalities.Advertisements on various social media platform makes it easier to compare features and prices of similar products. Although, advertisements these days are hard to believe, they are nonetheless necessary.It is a person’s responsibility to purchase a product with careful consideration. For example, nowadays Amazon has an option to compare prices, screen size, battery power etc of smart phones which makes it easier for a potential buyer to make decisions smartly and in less time.

    To conclude, advertisements are necessary for a buyer to know about product features, functionalities and prices. Although, it is a person’s responsibility to be mindful and make a right decision whether or buy the product or not according to his or her needs.

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