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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 12, 2021 at 7:36 AM

    Dear Mr. Sam,

    I am writing this letter to inform you and to seek your immediate attention about the damage to the house due to the snowstorm last night. Through which the electrical wires are damaged and also need to fix a couple of bedroom windows.

    Due to the heavy gust of winds with more than 20 mph and the heavy snow, electric lines outside the house are misplaced which is causing a power outage and I could see some sparks coming out of it. Since it is an old house not only power connections but also two of the windows are badly damaged through which the wind is flowing into the bedrooms.

    I request you to can immediate action and fix it as soon as possible because we are in the middle of the winter. It’s hard to maintain the room temperature as chilly winds are leaking into the room which would cause health issues and hard to stay for a longer time for us and especially my 2-year old son. Additionally, displacement of electrical wires may cause potential power outages which would make the situation worse.

    Therefore, please inform the electrician and carpenter to come and fix both the issues. I think they can take a look and suggest the right solutions to fix the issue.

    I hope you would respond soon and take prompt action.

    Yours faithfully,


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