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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 16, 2021 at 12:09 PM

    People have different thoughts about setting a standard retirement age for all the workers irrespective of their occupation, as some feel it’s unfair, setting an age number applicable for all and some will support this policy. I also feel that setting a standard would be unfair and i have given detailed reasons to support my thoughts in succeeding paragraphs.

    There are different types of requirements of work schedule in different types of industries, as the service sector provides jobs mainly sitting and automative industry jobs are labor-intensive which required hard work in the factories. The remuneration of each industry also varies from industry to industry. People in the service sector have more comfortable jobs than workers in automotive. For Example – A person can do sitting jobs at the age of 65, however, if a worker needs to do a field job it is quite difficult for him to manage the same without medical problems.

    People which are in a labor-intensive industry that requires hard work to perform their routine jobs will be benefited most from the early retirement age. Once the worker is retiring they are eligible for some social financial benefits till death. For Example – Maruti India has a policy for the retirement of labor workers at the age of 55, as they believe after this age health complications will start getting worst.

    To conclude, i would like to reiterate that a standard age number for retirement will not be a good idea and it needs to be evaluated based on different work requirements

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