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    September 23, 2022 at 7:09 PM

    The provided tables represent the global population in billions as well the specific population ratios of 6 regions during the years, 1950 and 2000, with predictions for the year 2050.

    Overall, it is evident that though the world population showcases an upward trend , regional rates seem fluctuating, where the all-time highest population is of Asia, but the least residents are in Oceania.

    From the figure, it is obvious that the global population increased from 2.5billions to 6billions by 2000, and is expected to hike towards 9billions by 2050. Similarly, African’s share on worldly population has also raised and would possibly reach to one-fifths in 2050. Interestingly, Latin America is estimated to continue the rate of 9% for the year 2050 as that in 2000.

    In other regions, while Oceania remains as the least contributed place in world population with just 1% of global population, Asians shared the majority in population statistics of the world throughout the given periods (56%, 60%, and 59%, respectively ) with a slight predicted decrease by 1% in 2050. However, a downward trend is observable in the case of Europe and North America with the population reduction from 22 to a forecast of 7% and from 7 to an estimate of just 4%, respectively.

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