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  • bindu

    January 3, 2023 at 2:10 PM

    Dear sir/madam

    I am writing this letter to complain about the troubling noise caused at your new restaurant which is near to my house.

    Let me explain the situation the volume of the played music is very high as I am unable to concentrate on my work. On top of that, your drunk guests are shouting and creating nuisance during late-night hours. Moreover, I am facing health issues and unable to go to office by time due to lack of sleep.

    Even though I informed about the issue to your staff earlier but nothing has changed yet. Everything is becoming difficult to tolerate. I request you to stop your music by 11pm or else to maintain a low volume in order to reduce the inconvenience to the public. Also, please hire professional security guards to control the drunk guests.

    I am looking forward to your actions. However, if the proper measures are not taken to solve the problem, I will file a police complaint and proceed legally to take action against you.

    Hope you understand the situation and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

    Yours faithfully,


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