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  • Isha Singha

    January 10, 2023 at 12:06 AM

    Growing plants for food consumption and animal rearing can sometimes help budding schoolchildren to master essential life skills. While this teaches them a sense of responsibility and fosters a kinship with animals, it can occasionally have an adverse affect on their health due to the harmful chemicals present in the soil and further pets may harm them if they become too agitated.

    It is very important to understand as a young person that how and from where we get our food, what it takes to grow the vegetables we eat every day. If a young person could comprehend the effort and time required to grow plants, then they would be more responsible when consuming the end product. Secondly, bonding with a different species, such as a dog or cat, can make young ones compassionate towards them from an early age,making them more considerate of other people.

    However, gardening comes with its own risks, such as hazardous ingredients in topsoil that can impact the health of children. Unless the soil used for plantation is organic, it may contain chemicals such as urea, phosphorous, and sulfur, which are dangerous not only for the skin but also for the eyes. Threats are also associated with keeping pets, for example, a pet may infect an adolescent or may bite if not supervised carefully.

    In the end, I would recommend that schools should start planning to introduce plantation methods and taking care of pets at a young age. Although it appears to be a straight forward task, we must ensure the health and safety of kids while doing so.

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