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  • Sunny

    June 26, 2023 at 7:38 PM

    Many people have the opinion, that social networking sites are not helpful and have a bad impact on individuals and groups of people, I completely disagree with this opinion that social media is not useful and has a negative impact. In further detail, I will discuss the positive impact of social media for everyone.

    Nowadays, due to social networking, communication is much more faster, easier and effective. for example, due to advance technology people can smoothly transfer the information throughout the globe within a second and due the awareness of it. It also helps other several industries to develop and make it more comfortable and beneficial for common people, like transportation, traveling, news and make more in just once click.

    Moreover, there are some major positive impact also which helps the world more connected and updated, such as nowadays, any student can take any type of education and information very easily and in lesser cost and free also, which help them to grow their knowledge and carrier, and after the pandemic people know the power of the social networking and benefits of it, but there are some minor impact of it, like people are wasting their time on it and not focusing on it productive thing as these type of thing are there which can be ignore or change it into positivity.

    However, proper use of social networking and technology for everyone in the globe can be very helpful and can eliminate the negative impact.

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