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  • Anushka

    June 27, 2023 at 10:53 PM

    The following bar graph shows how well-liked five Instagram influencers were in 2018 and 2021.

    Looking from an overall perspective, there is a constant increase in followers for these influencers making Cristiano Ronaldo the most popular and Selena Gomez the least.

    According to data from 2018, Cristiano Ronaldo had over 110 million and Selena Gomez had about 120 million. In 2018, Kylie had just over 100 million followers, and The Rock had a little less, around 95 million. By this point, Ariana Grande had amassed almost 115 million fans.

    But if we look at the data from 2021, Cristiano Ronaldo came out on top with nearly 315 million followers, followed by Ariana Grande, who saw a more than double of her following to 250 million. As Kylie Jenner’s fame grew, she finished at about 250 million. The rock also came to a close at 251 million. Selena Gomez, meanwhile, had the fewest fans in 2021 despite finishing with close to 240 million followers.

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