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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 10, 2021 at 10:44 AM

    Some people argue that corporations should employ the workers who are willing to stay working for the company their entire lives. I totally agree with this approach for several reason which I will explain in the following paragraphs.

    To begin with, businesses invest lots of many to train their employees in order to improve their productivity and teamwork. For example, newly hired laboratory technician in a hospital would be given at least six months training in order to be able to run clinical tests independently. Moreover, employers prefer to have loyal workers who support their company and not thinking of leaving them when they get a better chance elsewhere. For instance, universities who have brilliant professors, provide them with great positions and benefits so they present their colleges in a good way. If these professors decide to leave them, the reputation of the university will be affected negatively.

    On the other hand, having employees for a short period of time can have a negative effect on their business. To elaborate, when an accountant is hired for a taxes company, they have to pay for his training to be certified and do the required work. However, when he decides to leave the company for another position, they will lose time and money. Furthermore, in very competitive markets, the employers need to have loyal workforce that would serve the interest of their agency the best they can. To be more specific, legal corporates have lots of confidential sensitive information that need to be protected by their own working agents. This can’t be achieved unless they trust their agent’s loyalty towards them.

    In conclusion, in order to achieve a better outcome, the corporations should employ employees that can keep working for them for a long term.

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