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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 21, 2021 at 11:18 AM

    Some people argue that the main thing about any job is to have great a salary while others believe that job gratification is the major matter. In my opinion, I think that having a big salary is more important than job satisfaction for several reasons that I will explain in the following paragraphs.

    To begin with, well-paid employees are able to provide their families with more than just the basic life essentials. For example, they can purchase their dream house instead of paying rental because this is considered one of the most required living demands. Another point is that they can start their own business that they are passionate about once they saved enough money for it. To elaborate, an employee who likes cooking, but is working as a teacher, can open his own restaurant and make the most delicious recipes while enjoying it.

    On the other hand, staff who are happily working with low income can barely provide their families with the primary life requirements. To illustrate, they are not able to send their kids to the best schools or travel to their home countries annually. Moreover, less-paid laborers can’t enjoy their life because they are constantly working and don’t have the time to spend with their families which can lead to problems with their family members. For instance, working mothers may not have enough time to spend with their children to play with or take care of them because their day is occupied by the work that they are happily doing.

    In conclusion, having a big salary is much better than being a happy underpaid employee. Well-paid workers can still enjoy their time after work with their families and friends which is a lot of work satisfied employees don’t get the chance to have mainly because they don’t have enough money.

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