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  • NIL Admin

    July 22, 2021 at 11:16 AM

    Social networking websites are thought to have an adverse impact on individuals as well as. their society by lots of people. I totally disagree with this statement for several reasons that I will explain in the following paragraphs.

    To start with, social community enabled(enables) families and friends to communicate with each other on a daily basis. To illustrate, lots of family reunion stories were raised via using Facebook as well as friends reconnecting with their childhood mates. Nowadays, family members who live in another country can share their precious moments with other members instantly through the Snapchat application.

    Moreover, intercommunicating (Inter-communication) allowed students to have a massive number of chances to explore different areas that interest them and learn a lot about them. To elaborate, many courses are broadcasted(broadcast = it has no forms like put) lively (live) on Instagram free of charge which is beneficial for them on both educational and budgetary aspects. Also, cooking recipes are shared by famous chefs on Snapchat helped mothers to provide various fabulous dishes from international cuisines.

    Furthermore, the internet community helped young traders to start their businesses by exposing them to different categories of customers with (for)almost no cost. For instance, Instagram users can use this platform to advertise their products at a low cost while attracting customers worldwide. In addition, the internet market became the first and easy choice for any start-up company to check whether the customers would like their product or not.

    In conclusion, Social networking has many advantages that benefit individuals and their society as well as help them to advance in their careers and life.


    Few more grammatical errors popped up. These are not specifically sentence construction errors but more of word usage.

    Other than that the sentence construction in paragraph framing is excellent.

    Band Score: 5.0/6.0

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