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  • Ipshita

    August 11, 2021 at 9:13 PM

    The graph portrays the time spent on television by the children, from the year 1950 to 2010, that is over six decades. While the x-axis holds the years, the y-axis depicts the hours per day. The non-linear blue line displays the connection between the x and the y axis.

    Overall, the time spent on the above mentioned electronic device depicts a steady rise from 1950 to (which year?). There was a minute fall in the graph between 1960 to 1970, which very well caught up and rose to the maximum by the beginning of the 1980s. The mid-years of the ’80s seems to have had a decent fall which later started to rise by the same decade.

    The fall in time spent by the children on the idiot-box gradually commenced in the ’90s, continued falling even in the new century that is the year 2000. The reduction in time continued till 2010, but still, it was more than thrice the number of hours spent during the 1950s.

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