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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 25, 2021 at 7:11 PM

    Some people consider the international sporting events as an unnecessary expenditure while I personally believe that these occasions give opportunities to showcase your talents. I will support my opinion with instances in the following paragraphs.

    For the past few decades, International sporting events like Olympics, Cricket World Cup etc have gained immense popularity not only amongst the players but also among the audience. These events provide platforms for the sports persons to present their talent in front of the whole world. In addition, the awards are given to the winner that keeps them motivated and also arises the feeling of patriotism in the audience. For example, it was a proud moment for Indians to have their first athlete, Neeraj Chopra, to win the gold medal in Olympics 2021.

    On the contrary, If there will be no such programs then there can be boredom in many players’ life as they only have to compete with their country’s people and also their talent will be restricted to their nation only. Also, how are we going to rank the countries across the globe in the terms of sports they play at their best. Just like dancers and musicians, sportsman also wants to be recognized globally. Moreover, these events contribute greatly to countries’ economies as sectors like travel and tourism are benefiting from these programs.

    To conclude with, it is essential to have International events for sports as they bring more challenges in a sportsman life which and keep their spirits high in order to compete with the whole world. These occasions also keep the audience engaged and it is worth spending some money if our nation can be recognised globally.

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