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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 2, 2021 at 5:54 PM

    Many museums charge for admission while others are free. According to me, museums should charge for admission for the proper functioning and maintenance of the museums. Some might think that it is unfair on the part of the government to charge fees as most of the museums are maintained by the government but people need to understand the thing that the work of an artist that is put up in the museum also needs to be valued. There are guides who are working in the museum for money, they guide people and help them gather a lot of information about the place. It is the only source for their living.
    People often visit such sites for relaxation and entertainment. We as humans want everything perfect around us and if that doesn’t posses then we try to blame it on others and for that matter facilities that are provided by museum really matters a lot. People often visit a place again and again only when they like it. As we have seen in case of India there are few museums which do not have the facilities of toilets and those who have it doesn’t have the fund to maintain it therefore, it is really important that the public should pay some admission fees for museums in order to get what they expect from the place. So money and maintenance is like the two sides of a coin. The more fund that will be raised for the museum the more it will be able to function properly. Museums are meant to preserve our culture and if not maintained properly somewhere the world will lose its heritage and it’s rich culture and for the upcoming generations there will be nothing left to see and learn from their culture.

    There are artists who are earning their living only through selling their work to the museums. If not paid properly they will not be able to lead a good life. So the public needs to think about the artists as well. Museums are not only a place for entertainment but a place where our culture is preserved safely. So, in order to keep it alive there should be admission fees for the museums.

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