Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 15, 2021 at 1:51 PMDear Kim,
I hope you are having a productive week. I am feeling delighted while writing it to you that you offered me Digital marketing expert job in your esteemed consultancy firm. Recently i came across a few articles on E-magazines about your company that you guys are planning to spend a lot on digital marketing to revamp your image online, which i find really hold a good scope for a reputed company like yours.
However i regret to inform you that i will not be able to accept this job immediately as i already have my previous commitments. As you already know i have been working as a free lancer digital marketing consultant and i have a few projects going on with the fixed deadlines in coming months only. There are a few new products launch campaigning and a lot of other planning related to this going on.
I really wanted to join and work with you, if by the december you people get a suitable candidate than go ahead or if you can wait for me, i shall keep you updated if at all i am free before december.
Thanks again for having that confidence to offer me this job. I wish to hear back from you soon.
Good luck