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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 17, 2021 at 8:58 PM

    The expansion of super markets , may outweigh the tenuous local community business. Many people believe that the big malls are a short of death warrant of street shopkeeper. I strongly disagree with the statement.

    Super market is a short of whole sale market , which were even existed before. Since beginning, people have propensity to buy from the whole sale market, which are now appeared as super market. For example people used to prepare the list of the wanted ware and then go to the whole sale market and then purchased the goods from there. Yes, the small purchasing are used to be done from the local market. So the existence of supermarket will not do any harm to local business community.

    Secondly, local business market community , has a strong relationship with the customer, and many of the customer who are in want of credit , purchase the goods from them only. For example , many of the local customer finish their salary in the first 10 days of the month only, and after word in any need of things they always rely on credits which, of course can be lended by the local shopkeeper and that too on the basis of face value only, therefore it will be very hard to root out the local business community.

    Finally , the challenge, facing by the local business community from Supermarket is not a new one. based on their accessibility to the local customer and their relationship with the customer will not let them forsake from the market.

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