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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 6, 2022 at 9:46 AM

    It is true that some people believe that studying in university/college is much better that getting a job right away after that. The reason for this belief might be because majority of the society goes into a Professional field such as Information Technology , Communication and Software Development. These professions pay a lot more income and requires more knowledge and learning. Also obtaining a university degree shows that the candidate has gained perseverance, passion and commitment from his three to four years of studies and researches he might have taken for Learning. His degree is the convincing proof of his competency. With the growing world and technology, there are many competitive people searching for jobs and very little job openings in the field. Therefore, obtaining a university degree gives the candidate a plus than a person who has fewer certificates/knowledge.
    Although People believe that completing a course in an university gives a plus , this type of approach only works in certain fields of Industry. There are still some industries where experience speaks more than a degree. Industries such as media, post production, Teaching, music, dance and a lot more needs experience more to show the world about the talent of the individual. A degree would be helpful for the person to get a job but if the person wants to consistently stay at the job, he/she has to gain hands-on experience and improve their talent to pursue their passion and career. Also at the end of the day, money matters. In some perspective , most people work to meet their own financial needs. Therefor gaining experience through jobs first helps them to be much more successful in their career and life.
    In Conclusion, in my opinion getting a job right after school is much better than getting into an university/college. The main reason is that in an university we don’t get to improve our passion or only work towards our goal. We waste a lot of time learning things that are not useful for us to build our career rather we read the syllabus that is already jotted out for everyone. But in a job, we can learn and move towards our goals and passion. Therefore it is best to obtain a job that we are passionate about and make ourselves a successful person.

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