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  • Task 1 (Letter writing) : Extra ticket

    Posted by Falak on June 1, 2022 at 8:11 AM

    You have won a holiday to Hawaii with one extra ticket.

    Write a letter to someone to invite them along with you. In the letter:

    – Explain what has happened and that you would like them to come
    – Give details of when the trip will take place
    – Inform the person of the things they will need for the trip

    Falak replied 1 year, 11 months ago 11 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Mridula

    June 1, 2022 at 9:45 AM

    Hi Papa,

    Hope you are fine and I am really sorry that I didn’t get chance to attend your retirement party ,though I have one surprise for you that I won holiday to Hawaii with one extra ticket and planning to go with you.

    Last month I did shopping from the mall on the occasion of Dhanteras in Tanishq showroom , there was some lucky draw going for filling the form with details which was on the lottery based. Luckily my name got selected and I got Hawaii vacation ticket for a week and I can take someone with me and the trip is from July 26<sup>th</sup> to 2<sup>nd</sup> August.

    Hawaii is in US and very well known for the ancient culture and rich cuisine. It will be sparkling trip for both of us after your retirement and my hectic work schedule. Now covid restriction significantly get relaxed, anyhow we both are fully vaccinated so not to worry about pandemic. Weather in Hawaii will be moderate and so no need of doing extra shopping as it will be same as that of Shimla.

    I am really looking forward for your answer as yes and will give your name for the reservation, in addition to that no is not in option to say.

    Yours loving daughter,


  • Tauseef

    June 1, 2022 at 9:53 AM

    Hello Bhagath,

    I hope you’re doing well and enjoyed your recent trip of Sikkim.

    As you might be knowing Since I am a frequent traveler, I have won a holiday package for Hawaii from Indigo airlines. They have given me 2 tickets so I thought to ask if you have any plan for summer holidays.

    The trip will be 5 days visit to Hawaii and end on 5th June. If everything goes as planned, then we will be flying <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>from </font><font color=”#ba0000″>Bangalore</font><font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> International airport at 5 o’clock in the morning. It would be a 10hrs. long journey</font>

    As far as I have researched the climatic condition of Hawaii over internet consequently It is expected to have adequate <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>snowfall from mid of may and will last by end of </font>June<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>. So I request you to have warm jackets </font>and gloves.

    <font color=”#ba0000″>Well, let me finish here. I am eagerly waiting for your reply to this letter.</font>

    <font color=”#ba0000″>Yours always</font>

    <font color=”#ba0000″>Tauseef</font>

  • Kapil

    June 1, 2022 at 9:54 AM

    Dear John,

    I hope you are doing well; due to our hectic schedules, we didn’t meet in the past 5 years. But it is high time to give you good news. I am writing to invite you on a holiday trip to Hawaii where we can experience the real beauty of nature during this summer vacation.

    I visited City Pride Mall last week, and they organized a competition between the buyers who have bought a fascinating list of items. I got the first rank so they gave me two tickets for a holiday to Hawaii. As you know, you are one of my close friends and for a long time, we didn’t go together to chill out so I would like to invite you for this trip to make it memorable.

    This travel takes place on the first day of the next month for a week in which they will give the opportunity to visit mountains, rivers, and most important tracking on the Himalayas for two days.

    As per the locations, you have to keep some special clothes with you to protect yourself, as the weather will be chilly so it is mandatory to have a good sweater, to have new shoes for tracking, and don’t forget to bring your camera to capture our beautiful pictures.

    Well, let me finish here. I am eagerly waiting for this journey and reply to this letter if you need any further information about it.

    Best regards,

    Tony Joy

  • Abhay

    June 1, 2022 at 9:57 AM

    Hello John,

    Sorry I have not been in touch as I have been busy with my work lately. But, I want to tell you something phenomenal happened with me.

    Last week when I was in the mall, a raffle was going on to raise money for new year event later this year. You will not believe what happened. The prize was a luxurious holiday to Hawaii with 2 plane tickets and I won it. I feel like I am on top of the world and I want you to join me for this tour so that I can share my excitement with you.

    If everything executes perfectly, the trip is scheduled to start on 29th June 2022 from Las vegas and will last for 7 days, ending in Las Vegas. Apart from a plethora of fun water activities at Juan island, two other islands, Waikiki and Honolulu, will be covered in this vacation.

    Along with sheer enthusiasm, some other things are needed to make this vacation a success. Because water sports are included in the package, swim suits will be needed. Hiking shoes, along with appropriate hiking clothing, is required as a hike to the staircase to heavens in scheduled on the 3 day. rest some comfortable clothes will be enough.

    It’s been a while that we have met. This trip will give us the opportunity to take a break from our hectic lives and rejuvenate and because of our friendship, I will not take a no for an answer.

    Best wishes,


    • Falak

      June 2, 2022 at 8:45 AM

      If everything executes perfectly, the trip is scheduled (which conditional?)

      well – written in terms of paragraphing, tone , lexical resources.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 2.5/3

  • Krithiga

    June 1, 2022 at 10:02 AM

    Hello Joanna,

    How are you? Hope all is well. It’s been a long time since we caught up. Sorry, I had been busy of late due to my work schedule. All of a sudden, my world looks rosier and brighter now. I cannot wait to break the good news to you. Yes, I have won a holiday trip to my favourite destination Hawaii.

    In recent times, I got the top performer award in my organization for completing my project deliverables on time. This award included a tour to any destination of your preferred choice. And the most interesting part is I have got one more additional ticket free of cost. Hence, I thought you can accompany me on this journey so that we can enjoy spending our days together just as we did during our college days.

    Furthermore, I am planning to start this voyage during the first week of July as we have a couple of public holidays lined up. And, it will be a week’s trip where we will onboard the flight at morning 5 am on Sunday from Vancouver and end up returning on Saturday night at 10 pm. In addition, we need to buy some clothes needed for our trip as they will be cheap throughout that time due to promotional offers and ongoing discounts on account of the holiday season.

    And, we might need a woollen jacket along with athletic shoes to do some trekking over the lovely mountains situated in Hawai. Despite the wonderful weather, we might fall sick due to changes in climate. Hence, we would need medicines such as paracetamol and certain pain killers as precautionary measures.

    Well, let me finish here. I am eagerly waiting for your reply to this letter.

    Best wishes,


    • Falak

      June 2, 2022 at 8:51 AM

      well written.

      Keep writing!!

      \Band: 2.5/3

  • Pratik

    June 6, 2022 at 5:21 AM

    Hi Mansi

    I hope you are doing Great;

    As you know every year i take my time for a holiday to different parts of the world, Even last time i went for Norway trip which was amazing and saw breathtaking views of mounts, And I remember you asked me that if you can join me on my next travelling destination. Well I have a very good news I would like to share it with you on it.

    So as been a part of Elite Travel group, They have offer me a trip to Hawaii this year, And they have allowed me to take a companion on this island, Because of the highest Points to my account, They have given me opportunity To add one more Person with me at zero cost, And we have also not meet for a long time i would like you to come with me for this amazing adventure To beautiful island of Hawaii. This peripatetic event is gong to start on the 13th of July Till 30th of august, Which I assume is not a busy schedule for your work and we can make it to this nomadic.

    So far you might know that Hawaii, is the oceanic island, Because of the active volcano the weather on this continent is always around 80*F, Rarely falling below. We have been advise To carry good amount of sun screen and summer outfits. And on other hand we would need a COVID negative Test results for arrival on the airport and we have to show them the of Certificates COVID vaccine , And don’t forget to grab the sunglasses as its gonna baking temp trip to this land Specially with you.

    I would love your presence To this Journey And i would be waiting for your response on this Event

    Best Regards,


  • Eram

    September 28, 2022 at 8:55 AM
  • Eram

    September 28, 2022 at 9:05 AM
  • Eram

    September 28, 2022 at 9:07 AM
    • Falak

      September 28, 2022 at 11:15 PM

      a year

      I could not attend

      to make up for my absence

      not spent time together from last few years

      it is the best opportunity


      despite the……. (,)

      while answering second bullet point, the tone is bit inappropriate.

      keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • Sebanti

    September 28, 2022 at 10:34 AM

    Dear Sima,

    I hope you’re doing well. I’m really excited to let you know that I’ve won two holiday tickets; actually, it will be wonderful if you join me at the trip. On top of that, I’ve shared the schedule of the vacation and also mentioned the essential things which we need to carry with us.

    For a start, I participated in a lucky draw last week, and won two holiday tickets to Hawaii which is really exciting to me. But, my husband will be out of the town that time due to some office commitments. So, he can’t join me in that trip. To tell you the truth, the next name came to my mind was your name. It will be really amazing if we both can go together and enjoy the trip.

    Speaking of the trip timings, we have to start on the 15<sup>th</sup> of the next month, plus, the trip is for 6 days, which means our return is on 20<sup>th</sup>. I hope you’ve not planned anything else for that time period.

    Another thing is, as winter will be at the door that time, we have to carry our winter attires like sweaters or cardigans. On top of that, some foreign currencies also need to carry for shopping, as Hawaii is one of the most famous shopping destinations.

    I look forward hearing from you.

    Lots of love,


    • Falak

      September 28, 2022 at 10:58 PM

      my husband will be out of the town that time due to some office commitments. (, so ) So, he can’t join me in that trip. (it can be a compound sentence) \

      the next name came to my mind was your name ( the next name came to my mind was yours)

      vocabulary could be better.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • Shubhum

    September 28, 2022 at 12:08 PM

    <div>Hello Piyush, I hope you are fine and i am really sorry that i did not get oppurtunity to attend your birthday party due to some hectic schedules. It was delighted to hear from your younger brother that the party is held in a grand way and it is over the top. I have a surprise for you that i won two lottery tickets for holidaying the trip to Hawaii and planning to travel and explore new things with you. Last week i had done shopping from GV Mall on the occasion of Navaratri in the Smart bazaar, there was some coupons distributed where i heard about the many luck draw going for filling the form with details which was on lottery based. Unfortunately, i had not any huge expectations for winning this lottery contest but after the announcement of the winner i am in shocked and cannot believe that my dreams come true in front of my eyes. When i received the lottery tickets through the anchor it was a memorable moment for me and it made my day. I got Hawaii tickets for 5 days and i have an extra ticket but it depends on you would u like to join me in this amazing vacation? Hawaii is one of the fascinating place to visit in the US. It is famous for their beautiful beaches and delicious cuisines. Tourists are the major attraction of the Hawaii who came across all over the world to explore and experience the rich heritage culture and historical places. Tourism is a great source of income to boost the economy. The weather and climate of Hawaii is cool and great to do some activities like scuba diving, snorkelling etc. I am waiting for your decision if u are ready to enjoy this vacation with me, please call me. Your loving friend Shubhum


    • Falak

      September 28, 2022 at 10:49 PM

      i (I) am really sorry that i (I) did not

      and (I am) planning to travel and explore new things with you.

      Last week(,) i (I) had done shopping from

      there was (were) some coupon

      r i am (was shocked) in shocked

      cannot (couldn’t) believe that my

      one of the fascinating place(s)

      It is famous for their (its) beautiful beaches

      who came (come)

      third bullet point has not been addressed, partially developed response

      Paragraphing is inappropriate

      Need to work grammar accuracy.

      Basically, there is need to work on all the four parameters.

  • Nida

    September 28, 2022 at 10:45 PM

    Hello Ayesha,

    How are you? Hope you are doing well. I want to share a pleasant surprise with you. I have won a vacation to Hawaii with one extra ticket and would love if you could accompany me.

    Last week, I went to a leading electronics store to get myself a new laptop. It was Diwali week and there was a drawing of lots for the customers who were making purchases. To my amazement, I won the first prize which was a holiday in Hawaii with a complementary ticket. I am over the moon and really looking forward to go on this exciting vacation with none other than you.

    The trip is scheduled to start on 26 October, 2022, which is later next month. The flight will begin from Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi at 9:30 P.M and has a 3 hours layover at Dubai International Airport. It’s a 10-day tour and apart from a visit to all major islands, a special trip to underwater zoo is also on the itinerary.

    Since Hawaii is famous for snorkeling, I recommend you to pack few pairs of swimming costumes along with swim caps and a good sunscreen. Besides beach visits, a two-day camping at a popular hill range is also scheduled. Therefore, do pack some trekking gear and a good mosquito repellent as well.

    As it has been quite a while since we last met, I am really looking forward to spend this much needed break with you. It will get us a chance to relive old memories and create some new ones.

    I am sure you must be as excited as I am. Waiting for an affirmative reply.

    Lots of love,


    • Falak

      September 28, 2022 at 11:21 PM

      tone is appropriate so is the vocabulary.

      Keep writing!!

      Band : 2.5/3

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