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  • Ashley

    June 2, 2022 at 11:55 AM

    This map illustrates how the village of Ryemouth has changed from the period of 1995 to the present.

    Overall there are significant changes in the present village of Ryemouth as some have been replaced and other things have been removed. This shows how the developmental changes have incurred during these periods.

    In the year 1995 as we see in the north east direction, the farmland and the forest park has been replaced by some buildings and the tennis court. If we see in the north west direction, there has been a rise in housing this shows how the population in this village has increased. Overall in the south direction the shop and the fish market has been replaced by restaurant and apartments. Although the fishing port has been removed. Therefore in the south west direction car park has been added which is close to the hotel. Though all these years the café is still in that particular place and no changes have been made on that.

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