Best Online English Speaking Course & Coaching Classes in India
National Institute of Language
Best Online Spoken English Course
Certified Trainers: ESL course completion certificate from NIL and British Council
Discover the premier online English Speaking Course in India at the National Institute of Language, featuring integrated Personality Development Modules. Benefit from expert training by Cambridge and British Council Certified Trainers.
Elevate your CV/resume with ESL certification from the National Institute of Language or the British Council, validating your English proficiency.
India's First Institute that provides British Council certification
British Council offers certificate for English language proficiency through online course which is based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
Online English Course with Certified Faculty
NIL's trainers hold certifications from both the British Council and Cambridge, ensuring top-notch expertise. Enroll now for live Online Spoken English classes with NIL.
Global student and teacher base
National Institute of Language serves with certified English trainers from across the world. Students from all around the world enrol in the best online English speaking course in India.
Live online lectures and vebinars
Engage in live classes on our specialized education portal featuring the world's most advanced system for delivering lessons.
Flexible class timings and personal trainings
National Institute of Language offers online Spoken English courses with round the clock classes as well as personal training for deep learning.
Dashboard with AI Features
Feature Rich Dashboard
Reading & Listening Practice
Weekly Competitions
Stories & Video Debates
We provide the best Online English Training in India
Maintain a consistent feed of High-quality curriculum
English is a language which needs a lot of practice and constant supervision from an expert to rectify your errors and to guide you through complex concepts of grammar.
Online Spoken English Classes In India by NILHigh-quality trainers
English is an important language to learn for anyone who wants to succeed in education or profession. There is an increasing demand of fluent English speakers in India in industries like BPO and hospitality.
IT and other sectors where the companies are constantly dealing with foreign clients also need fluent English speakers to make negotiations and crack deals.
After the time of pandemic the students are searching for best online spoken English course in India and they get barrage of websites and applications claiming to teach English.
Live online lectures with certified English trainer
Live interactive classes with expert certified English language teacher with face-to-face interaction. Online English classes but the feel of physical classroom.
Comprehensive grammar sessions from basic to advance
Extensive conversation activities and practice sessions
NIL online Spoken English classes in India provides intensive conversation practice with group discussions, presentations, role-plays, debates etc.
Stay connected with your trainers through mobile app
NIL provides the Best Online English Speaking Classes in India and I can say it with confidence after trying so many online courses. They have the best trainers with sound online training methodology.
Pratika Company Secretary
National Institute of Language has turned me into a confident speaker. I can speak English fluently with anyone now. NIL Provides the best online English Speaking Course in India with Personality Development.
AbhimanyuInvestment Banker
If you are in search of best online English Speaking Course in India, you can not match the quality provided by National Institute of Language in English Training. I am now a better communicator than ever before.
NIharikaMBA Student
NIL provides the Best Online English Speaking Classes in India and I can say it with confidence after trying so many online courses. They have the best trainers with sound online training methodology.
Pratika Company Secretary
National Institute of Language has turned me into a confident speaker. I can speak English fluently with anyone now. NIL Provides the best online English Speaking Course in India with Personality Development.
AbhimanyuInvestment Banker
Choose according to your needs Multiple Course Options
We offer cost effective Group Classes as well as more customised and focused Personal Training Sessions. Not only that we have courses spanning multiple levels such as Foundation English, Business English and Advanced English. We have options for Kids as well. National Institute of Language offer many different options for Online English Speaking courses in India and abroad. Student can join different courses for different time durations according to their own specific requirements for language proficiency.
3 Month
Per Month Pay Monthly & go along
You can choose to pay monthly for our courses and finish your course in 3 months.
*You can get discounted fee for 3 month plans.
Foundation Group
2 Hour Classes
Mon-Fri Regular
Sunday Webinars
All Live Sessions
This is a starter course for beginners who want to learn English
Advanced English
All Foundation Benefits
In-Depth Grammar
High Level Vocabulry
V&A Training
This course is for those who have a moderate command on the language.
Group + Personal
Group Practice
1:1 Trainer
Sunday Extra Sessions
This is a course where you get the benefits of group and personal training
3 Month Full Complete 3 Month Plan
Get a discounted fee on complete 3 month plans on all courses.
*Instalments are permitted under certain conditions.
Foundation Group
2 Hour Classes
Mon-Fri Regular
Sunday Webinars
All Live Sessions
This is a starter course for beginners who want to learn English
Advanced English
All Foundation Benefits
In-Depth Grammar
High Level Vocabulry
V&A Training
This course is for those who have a moderate command on the language.
Group + Personal
Group Practice
1:1 Trainer
Sunday Extra Sessions
This is a course where you get the benefits of group and personal training
Best Online English Speaking Course in India Unlimited access to educational materials for subscribers
Online Spoken English Course - National Institute of Language
Join India’s best online English speaking course by NIL. The course consists of grammar, vocabulary, voice and accent, personality development modules, group discussions, debates, presentations, conversation practice, role-plays etc. After the completion of the course you will be a certified ESL student.
New batches every week.
152,628 already registered
more than 99% of students rate this course content and results as Super
NIL provides the best online English speaking course in India with certified trainers that imparts most desired skills in Spoken English students. We focus on all-round development rather than specific skill set.
Sentence Construction
Sentence framing
Correct sentence framing is essential to develop good communication skills in English language
Advance Grammar
Be English language pro
Simple things can be done by anyone, you need to have deep understanding of English grammar to sound proficient
Sentence Manipulation
Make it impressive
Sentence manipulation is a technique of taking simple sentences and turning them into a piece of art
Interpersonal skills
Personality development
India's best online English speaking course comes with personality development modules for overall development
Listening Skills
Global English
There are so many accents across the globe and we need to understand them properly in order to reply appropriately
Extensive Vocabulary
Learn new words
Make your language more impressive with new words taught every day in the classes
Writing Skills
English Writing Skills
English is the global language and you need to learn how to write impressive content with proper protocols
Public speaking
Improve confidence with public speaking
You will be given chance to speak on a global platform of students to build your confidence
Course Program:
All course – 3 Units
National Institute of language provides comprehensive online English speaking course in India with all the aspects of language and communication combined. The course curriculum covers all topics of English grammar spanning from basic sentence framing to advance complicated sentence construction. Vocabulary building with thematic learning approach develops consistent and long-lasting ability to learn and retain new words. Personality development modules Kawal every aspect of interpersonal skills from basic postures to advance psychological tricks. Join Best Online English Speaking Course in India today.
1st Unit
Getting started with English grammar
Word: The Definition & Criteria
Sentence: Definition & Types
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence, and
Compound-complex sentence.
Parts of speech
Parts of speech
Types of Noun
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Abstract Noun
Concrete Noun
Countable Noun
Non-countable Noun
Collective Noun
Compound Noun
Pronoun: Definition & Types
Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
Intensive Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Adjective: Definition & Types
Descriptive Adjectives
Quantitative Adjectives
Proper Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives
Interrogative Adjectives
Indefinite Adjectives
Compound Adjectives
Degree of Adjectives
Verb: Definition & Types
Finite Verbs
Non-finite Verbs
Action Verbs
Linking Verb
Auxiliary Verbs
Modal Verbs
Past Participle
Present Participle
Adverb: Definition & Types
Conjunctive Adverbs
Sentence Adverbs
Adverbs of Time/Frequency (When?)
Adverbs of Place/Direction (Where?)
Adverbs of Degree (How Much?)
Adverbs of Degree (How Much?)
Preposition: Definition & Types
Prepositions of Time
Prepositions of Place and Direction
Prepositions of Agents or Things
Phrasal Prepositions
Use of Prepositions
Prepositions are the most perplexing and difficult portion of grammar to understand because practically every definition of a preposition contains exceptions and varied interpretations, making it tough to understand. There is no better strategy for grasping the right usage of prepositions other than practising to visualise how each preposition functions in different circumstances as you go through your sentences. There are some frequent uses and expressions of distinct prepositions that can be found in everyday speech.
Prepositions of Time Usage
Prepositions of Places & Direction Usage
Use of Prepositions : Of, About, For, With, By
Conjunction: Definition & Types
Coordinating Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
Interjection: Definition & Types
Article: Definition & Types
Rules of Using Articles with Examples
Use of Indefinite Article
Use of Definite Article
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Present Tense
Present Indefinite Tense
Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)
Past Tense
Past Indefinite Tense
Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Progressive Tense
Future Tense
Simple Future (Future Indefinite) Tense
Future Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Phrase: Definition, Types & Examples
Noun Phrase
Adjective Phrase
Adverbial Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
Nubmer: Rules, Types & Examples
Singular Number
Plural Number
Clauses: Definition, Types & Examples
Types of Clause
Independent Clause
Dependent Clause
Conditionals: Definition, Structure & Examples
Types of Conditionals
The Real Conditionals
The Unreal Conditionals
Modal Auxiliaries
Modal Auxiliaries
Mood: Definition, Types & Examples
Indicative Mood
Imperative Mood
Subjunctive Mood
Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement: Rules & Examples
Right Forms of Verbs
Right Forms of Verbs: Rules with Examples
Case: Definition, Types & Examples
Subjective Case
Objective Case
Possessive Case
Transformation of Sentences
Transformation of sentences
Modifiers: Definition, Types & Examples
Narration: Reported to Reporting Speech
Determiners & Quantifiers
Prefixes: Definition with Examples
Suffixes: Definition with Examples
Punctuation: Definition, Types & Usage Rules
Do-insertion / Do-support
Do-insertion or Do-support
Negation: Definition, Rules & Examples
Inversion: Definition with Examples
Other Topics
Subjunctive: Structures, Usage
Perfectives: Structures & Usage
Parallel Structure
Embedded Questions
Dangling Modifiers
Pronouns before the Gerunds & Infinitives
Antecedents of Pronoun
Adjective followed by the Infinitives
Causative Verbs
Verbs followed by Gerunds
Verbs followed by Infinitives
Uses of Direct & Indirect Object
Correct Use of “Sequence of Tense” in Writing
Affirmative and Negative Agreement
Avoid Redundancy to Improve Your Writing
Singular They – Wrong or Right?
One VS You
Live Classes, 6 Training Methodic, 12 Tasks
Skills You Get: Advance English Grammar Proficiency
2nd Unit
Basic to advance vocabulary building
There are three levels of vocabulary.
The following three levels of vocabulary are used to describe it:
1. Fundamental Vocabulary
The fundamental words constitute the initial tier of vocabulary. These terms often have a single meaning and do not necessitate the use of further explanations. At this level, early reading words, sight words, adjectives, verbs, nouns, and other vocabulary items are displayed. This layer contains 8000 word families in the English language.
2. Frequent usage vocabulary
This tier, also known as the multiple meaning vocabulary tier, contains terms that are utilised in a range of disciplines, such as adult conversation, literature, and so on. It has an impact on both reading and speaking. This tier consists of 7000 global families from all over the world. The following are the properties of words in the second tier:
It has a variety of connotations.
It is necessary for reading comprehension.
Language used by adults is typical.
Vocabulary that is descriptive
These words are used in a diverse environment.
It is employed for direct instruction.
3. Low usage/frequency vocabulary
There is low-frequency vocabulary, which consists of terms that are only used when especially required or in a specific domain such as the weather or technology or a specific geographical region or career or hobbies or school, among other things. This tier contains the four lakh words in English that are related to vocabulary.
Different Types of Vocabulary
The different sorts of vocabulary can be divided into two categories: spoken vocabulary and written vocabulary. Even before they begin writing and reading, children begin to increase their vocabulary by listening and speaking. Every form of vocabulary has a distinct function and has a distinct goal. The development of one form of language, on the other hand, fosters the development of another.
The different sorts of vocabulary are briefly explained here.
1. Vocabulary for Listening Listening vocabulary is a collection of words that we understand because we hear them. While still in the womb, a foetus may begin to recognise some words. Learning new words is a constant process, and by the time you reach adulthood, you will have learned and recognised about fifty thousand new words. Visual hearing vocabulary can be introduced to deaf persons in order to aid in their learning.
2. Speaking vocabulary is comprised of terms that we really use in our daily conversations. It has a word count range of approximately 5000 to 10000 words. These are employed for the purpose of imparting instructions and having dialogues. The number of words in this category is significantly lower than the amount of terms in the listening vocabulary.
3. Vocabulary for Reading Reading is a critical component of developing one’s vocabularies. Reading helps you to expand and strengthen your vocabulary. Reading vocabulary is a term used to describe the terms we learn while reading a piece of writing. It is possible that we comprehend words through reading vocabulary even when we do not utilise that terminology in our speaking vocabulary.
4. Vocabulary in the Writing Process Writing vocabulary is a term used to describe the words we use to express ourselves when we write a letter. Writing vocabulary is typically influenced by our ability to spell the words we use in our writing. We find it easy to express ourselves verbally, whether by facial expression or tone, but our ability to write with a wide range of words is dependent on our knowledge of the language.
5. Vocabulary for the Ending Richard Rorty is credited with coining the term “Final Vocabulary.” The term refers to a group of words or a collection of words that each individual uses to justify their acts, beliefs, and lives. The final vocabulary consists of the words that a person uses to convey admiration, hatred, deep feelings, hopes, and doubts, among other things.
Live + Video/Theory Classes, 20 Tasks
Skills You Get: Extensive English Vocabulary
3rd Unit
Personality development
Conversation practice and interpersonal skills
This unit covers all aspects of personality development models from dining etiquette to interview skills and from creative writing to public speaking.
He will also be participating in every day activities related to English fluency development such as:
1-1 conversation
Group discussion
Formal debates
Mock interviews
Article writing
News anchoring
Presentation and speech
Report writing
Letter/application writing
Much more…
Live classes, 12 modules, practice exercises, tests
Skills You Get: Personal improvement and English fluency
You'll get:
After the final task and according to the results
Once you are through with the course you will be getting certified from National Institute of Language or if you prefer you can also get certification from British Council. NIL certification is valid across India and British Council certificate is valid across the world. (*additional fee may apply for British Council certification). Of course, there are perks you get when you join Best Online English Speaking Course in India.
What early learners say about this course
The most important thing about learning a language is practice. NIL provides ample practice in its online English speaking course as well as more than enough content to satisfy all your needs. It is the best online English speaking course in India.
National Institute of language is one of the best institutes to learn English language. The trainers are the best in the industry and they keep the students comfortable in the classes to utilise the full potential. I will certainly recommend online English speaking course with NIL
If you're looking to improve your English communication skills along with overall personality development, online English speaking course with national Institute of language is the best course to opt for. The quality of the training and the material provided is of best quality and very intuitive.
The most important thing about learning a language is practice. NIL provides ample practice in its online English speaking course as well as more than enough content to satisfy all your needs. It is the best online English speaking course in India.
National Institute of language is one of the best institutes to learn English language. The trainers are the best in the industry and they keep the students comfortable in the classes to utilise the full potential. I will certainly recommend online English speaking course with NIL
You can quickly register for the online Spoken English course for the next batch. You can set up a demo class below with a specialist trainer to guide you through the course and to do the initial assessment
Benefits of Joining Best Online English Speaking Course in India by National Institute of Language
1 Month English Speaking Course
Those who are good at “Grammar” and want to improve their communication skills can benefit from a Crash Course, which can be finished in one month. The Full Course, on the other hand, lasts for three months and covers all of the topics in Grammar Multiple times, as well as vocabulary, activities on a daily basis, and group discussions, followed by twelve modules of personality development.
Group classes for confidence in public speaking, personal training sessions for deep learning
Personalized emphasis is placed on each of our pupils, with the goal of maximising their learning potential. Group Classes are an option if you are comfortable participating in online classroom sessions where a limited number of students are present (2-4 Hours Everyday). Personal Trainer, in which the class teacher provides one-on-one attention to each student for 40 min to 2 hours every day. Our expert English teachers will work with you to customise your courses and provide you with ideas and tactics that are unique to you.
Quality material for Online Spoken English Classes
For us, it took years of preparation to put together the best study material possible. We keep note of any changes that take place in the course and pattern of the Language and report them to the designated person. We supply all of our learners with well-researched and effective study materials that will help them improve their communication skills.
The material is not only available through live online classes but also in customised lesson plans delivered through learning management system. This enables us to provide you English speaking classes with much more ease and effectiveness.
Need a C1 Certificate in English?
India’s best online Spoken English Institute -NIL, prepares you for cracking Cambridge C1 level tests to get an International Certificate. We will also help you to get a British Council Certification if you need it. National Institute of Language provides best online spoken English course in India and has been trusted by thousands of students.
Unique Methodology
NIL's Online Spoken English Course covers all aspects of Grammar in a very unique and simplistic way.
Device Compatibility
The Portal we use works well on all types of devices with proper functionality. It gives you a sense of physical classroom in a virtual environemnt.
Personal Training
Our Online Spoken English Course offers personal training as well where you can learn one on one with a specialist trainer
The methods we use to train people in our Online Spoken English Course are immensely entertaining which not only makes it fun but also helps you learn faster.
Best Online English Speaking Course in India by National Institute of Language
Learn With Best English Community
Learn with British Council and Cambridge Certified Experts. National Institute of Language has been rated the best Online Spoken English Course in India as well as Asia. We train students from across the world and offer them a better life afterwards.
We have introduced a community based learning system, which helps the students to connect with each other and share their thoughts and opinions. This in turn develops an environment of English around the students, which is very important in order to become confident. This is one of the many reasons why this is the best online English Speaking Course in India.
India's Best Online Spoken English Classes at National Institute of Language
The classes are run on a specialized online learning platform which provides the best earning experience and one to one interaction with all the trainers and students. This make the Online Spoken English Course work Like an Offline class where you can enjoy Group Discussions, debates, Presentations and many more activities.
What constitutes a good online English speaking course?
There are so many things that can contribute to learning a language properly, such as proper explanation of grammatical concepts, building an impressive vocabulary with the help of different exercises and activities, a lot of speaking practice to build and maintain fluency in English language, appropriate assessment and guidance, proper follow-ups and constant support from your trainers. Best Online English Speaking Course helps you achieve these goals.
Misconceptions about learning English online.
Most online spoken English courses provide students with recorded video lectures on grammar and vocabulary; however, these courses are often not a very good quality as well as they do not provide a human interaction which is essential for language learning. English has been taught in the schools as a subject, which focuses primarily on solving test papers and getting good grades in exams. There is no focus on building language skills and fluency. This is where National Institute of language comes in, to facilitate a better understanding of English-language while providing you with enough opportunities with enough opportunity to practice with other people so that you not only learn grammar but also practice speaking English to build fluency. This is one of the best online English speaking courses in India and Asia, where you will learn and practice English with British Council and Cambridge certified trainers in live classes every day.
it is the foundation for any language, which must be developed in order to become proficient in the language. Studying grammar in an online English spoken course can be a bit tricky if the course only includes recorded video lessons, because there is no two-way interaction to solve your doubts and get answers to your questions. You will just rely on the content which is being provided in the recorded lessons and you can expect little to non-existent support from the trainer. At National Institute of language, you will be getting live classes with expert trainers on a regular basis so that not only you will have an interaction with the trainer but also it will open doors for a better understanding of English language, which ultimately results in better outcomes.
If I take an analogy of a building, grammar works like cement to join everything together, in the same manner vocabulary works like brickwork. These words are the building blocks for any language. In search for the best online spoken English course people stumble upon different videos or courses which provide a lot of words with very little explanation and practice. Keep in mind one important thing, it is not about writing new words and a notebook and then forgetting about them, it is about utilizing every new word that you learn in your daily conversation. It is important to have good exercises to perform and participating in activities to learn these vocabulary words. We, at National Institute of language work and vocabulary in thematic way, so that they’re easier for students to understand and memorize and also the trainers focus on different kinds of activities related to vocabulary, such as word games and story writing to keep it fun and entertaining.
As I mentioned above, learning grammar and vocabulary through video lessons is not enough and we need a lot of speaking practice in order to build fluency and confidence. The essential ingredient of any online English speaking course is conducting conversation activities to give enough time to the students to enhance their English speaking skills. There are so many at the is conducted in the classes regularly where students can converse with the trainer as well as other fellow students in group discussions, presentations, role-play activities, free speech, debates and dialogues. The trainers keep on guiding you through out these activities and monitor your errors and areas of improvement to make changes in your study plan.
Online English Course with Online IELTS Course
National Institute not only provides best online Spoken English Classes but also is a renowned name in Online IELTS Clsses.
Only English is not enough, personality takes the lead.
The only reason you are learning English is that you want to become successful in life. English certainly plays a part, however developing a good personality is also important in order to communicate with people effectively. in National Institute of language’s online spoken English course we include personality development modules to cover each aspect of developing a good personality. We include essential skills like body language and public speaking techniques as well as some specialized skills such as professional presentations, developing a thought process, social interactions, business skills and many more. These modules have been designed in accordance with Cambridge guidelines to prepare you for international exposure.
At National Institute of Language the online spoken English course is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the language as well as to prepare you for all the future endeavors. The course includes:
The First Step : Building a Foundation
Start Your Journey With Spoken English And Personality Improvement Basics
Sentence Construction
Active and Passives
Modal Verbs
Correct Usage of Articles
Active Listening
Vowel and Consonant Sounds
Rate of Speech Correction
Hand Gestures and Postures
Attire and Physical Appearance
Facial Expressions
Stage Possession
Professional Interaction
Creativity and Imagination
Taking The Lead: Learning New Things
The next step is to take things even further in your Spoken English Learning by getting to know new stuff.
Conditional Sentences
Direct Indirect Speech
Use of Let/Get/Make/Have
Miscellaneous Grammar
Voice Modulation
Intonation and Articulation
Syllable Stress and Emphasis
Gaining Public Attention
Social Engagement
Dining Manners
Art of asking questions
Professional Presentation
Business Negotiation
A New You: Finishing the Job
This is the final step to improve your Spoken English Skills with NIL’s Online Spoken English Course.
Making Complex Sentences
Handling Errors
Analytical Writing
Avoiding Indianisms
British vs American English
E-Mail Writing
Article Writing
Interviews and Assessments
Picture Description
Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Effective Decision Making
Emotional Intelligence
Addressing Large Group of People
Collaboration Exercises
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We above-mentioned curriculum is completed in three months for the help of British Council and Cambridge certified trainers. National Institute of language’s online spoken English course is based upon CEFR which stands for common European framework for languages. This framework divides English users in six categories of proficiency namely A1 and A2, B1 and B2 and lastly C1 and C2. The people who fall into A1 and A2 category of basic users of the language to understand very basic sentences and speak with limited ability. These people might not be able to handle the full conversation in English and they commit a lot of grammatical errors while speaking. People falling in B1 and B2 category are intermediate users of the language, they commit relatively less number of grammatical errors and are able to develop proper conversation in English with limited vocabulary. People who have reached C1 and C2 level in English are highly proficient in English and can develop extensive conversation even with the native speakers without committing almost no grammatical errors while speaking. They can understand extensive range of subjects and write efficiently with proper usage of vocabulary and syntax. In our online spoken English course, first of all we assess the level of student according to CEFR and then we suggest them which course would be beneficial for them to achieve a level of at least B2.
Join the Best Online English Speaking course in India
At the end I would like to encourage you all not to wait to improve your spoken English skills as it is the most important skill that you can develop to go ahead in your life and career. National state of language online spoken English course will help you to achieve your dreams. National Institute of language is the only institute in India which provides Dual certified trainers from Cambridge as well as British Council. There are multiple choices available for every student depending upon the requirements. I would encourage you to book a demo session and see for yourself.
Have fun learning English!
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