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  • Academic/ General writing part 2 Ipshita 8pm7

    Posted by Ipshita on July 27, 2021 at 7:58 PM

    Do not spend more than 40mins on this.

    Word limit: At least 250 words

    Is it important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense etc. to teenagers irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race and other things?

    Unknown Member replied 3 years, 2 months ago 17 Members · 27 Replies
  • 27 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:39 PM

    I believe it is extremely important for our upcoming generation to be well trained in survival skills. Given the times we are in, all that matters is to know how to keep us going. It applies to all humans irrespective of any factors which divide us.

    A significant lesson that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us is that it doesn’t differentiate between lines of division like gender, caste, or race. We have been forcefully confined to nuclear spaces and every individual has been restricted in one form or the other from having a normal life. Every individual needs to be armed with survival skills now more than ever.

    In countries like India, the essential chores of the house like cooking and cleaning are done by the women of the house. While it may seem like the men are being pampered, but the truth is that they are the ones at loss. Since the habit of taking care of oneself without depending on another is not inculcated at an early stage, they struggle like fish out of water when hit by circumstances like a pandemic.

    Children must imbibe the skills of survival at an early phase of their development. If they are left to fend for themselves, they should be ready to handle the situation. Apart from essential daily chores, it is also important for our teens to be equipped with skills of saving the other during a situation of emergency. Some life-saving skills like giving CPR or first aid need training from a professional and it’s upon us to give them such exposure.

    In a nutshell, the importance of training our teens with survival skills cannot be emphasized enough. The world would become a better place with our teams all set to face unforeseen times. There needs to be a sense of compassion to help the other too. We should realize that the opportunity to make even a small difference to a person’s life isn’t available to everybody.

    • Ipshita

      July 30, 2021 at 8:15 PM

      I believe it is of extreme importance for our upcoming generation to be well trained in survival skills. Given the times we are in, all that matters is to know how to keep us going. It applies to all humans irrespective of any factors which divide us.

      A life-altering lesson that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us is that it doesn’t differentiate between lines of division like gender, caste, or race. We have been forcefully confined to nuclear spaces and, every individual has been restricted in one form or the other from having a conventional life. Every individual needs to be armed with survival skills now more than ever.

      In countries like India, the essential household chores like cooking and cleaning are done by the female members of the house. While it may seem like the men are being pampered, the truth is that they are the ones at loss. Since the habit of taking care of oneself without depending on another is not inculcated at an early stage. They struggle like fish out of water when hit by circumstances like a pandemic.

      Children must imbibe the skills of survival at an early phase of their development. If they are left to fend for themselves, they should be ready to handle the situation. Apart from essential daily chores, it is also important for our teens to be equipped with skills of saving the other during a situation of emergency. Some life-saving skills like giving CPR or first aid need training from a professional and, it’s upon us to offer them such exposure.

      In a nutshell, the importance of training our teens with survival skills cannot be emphasized enough. The world would become a better place with our teams all set to face unforeseen times. There needs to be a sense of compassion to help the other too. We should realize that the opportunity to make even a small difference to a person’s life isn’t available to everybody.


  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:47 PM

    In the modern day scenario where everything is available just a click away we have forgotten the basic life skills that are mandatory for the survival in the nature. All the technology around us have just rendered us incapable of survival without there intervention. But just think what would happen if we are trapped in a situation where the electrical powered machines can’t help us? What would you do if you are stranded on an isolated island and don’t know what to do now. Well that is far fetched idea, let me just give you a situation we all can relate to, what if you are at your hostel and you are hungry and you don’t know how to cook? Yes of course your first answer would be I will just order some food but what is it’s raining all online deliveries has been deterred due to heavy rainfall.
    It is very important for us to learn the basic life skills such as self defence, cooking, first aid, swimming, fishing, how to tie different knots, how to light a fire without matchsticks or lighter, or even a task as simple as how to plant a tree. These skills might feel miniscule at the moment but you never know when you might get the opportunity to use them and trust me they can be life saving.
    Even if they are called survival skills, according to me you can take them as just fun hobbies. It is so rejuvenating seeing a seed budding and growing into a tree with large. It is an immense pleasure when people relish upon the food you cooked. It feels so contended when you have given someone a first aid or CPR and they were able to make it to the hospital in time and the list goes on.
    At the the end I want to say that these are not survival skills but a way to intrigue into the knowledge of how mother nature works and get more acquainted to it’s methods by which it keeps the vast range of different species alive.

    • Ipshita

      July 30, 2021 at 8:27 PM

      In the modern-day scenario where everything is available just a click away, we have forgotten the basic life skills that are mandatory for survival in nature. All the technology around us has just rendered us incapable of survival without their intervention. For instance, what would you do if you are trapped in a situation where electrically powered machines can’t help us. What would you do if you are stranded on an isolated island and don’t know what to do now? Well, that is far fetched idea, let me just give you a situation we all can relate to, what if you are at your hostel and you are hungry and you don’t know how to cook? Yes, of course, your first answer would be I will just order some food but what if it’s raining all online deliveries has been deterred due to heavy rainfall.

      We need to learn basic life skills such as self-defence, cooking, first aid, swimming, fishing, tying different knots, lighting a fire without matchsticks or lighter, or even a task as simple as planting a tree. These skills might feel minuscule at the moment, but you never know when you might get the opportunity to use them and trust me they can be life-saving.

      Even if they are called survival skills, you can take them as just fun hobbies. It is so rejuvenating seeing a seed budding and growing into a tree with large. It is an immense pleasure when people relish the food you cooked. It feels so contended when you give first aid or CPR to someone and they were able to make it to the hospital in time. In the end, I want to say that these are not survival skills but a way to intrigue into the knowledge of how mother nature works and get more acquainted with its methods by which it keeps the vast range of different species alive.

      6 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:54 PM

    In my opinion, teenagers need to be taught basic survival skills because of the following reasons;

    The future is uncertain. Despite our best efforts, we may get involved in a life-threatening situation. The importance of first-aid in such a scenario is very high. Consider the recent Denmark-Finland football match. About 30 minutes in, a player by the name “Christian Ericksen” falls unconscious to the floor. Players immediately surrounded him. Before medical professionals could get to him, his captain had performed a CPR procedure. In later analysis, it was revealed that Christian’s heart had stopped. If his captain hadn’t stepped in, he would have died. This perfectly highlights the need for the public to know basic first-aid. This can be ensured if all teenagers learn it as they are the future.

    No matter how safe your neighbourhood is, you can never rule out the dreaded possibility of a violent personal attack. What will you do if it were to occur? Trusting the police isn’t always a good idea. Therefore, learning self-defence techniques can be the difference between life and death. There are many examples of victims holding off their attackers or even turning the tables on them all because they knew how to protect themselves.

    Learning to cook is an underappreciated skill especially among teenagers. However, one doesn’t remain young forever. Somewhere in the future, living alone becomes a possibility. But cooking isn’t a skill that can be mastered easily. Just like riding a car, it takes a lot of time and effort. So it would be much easier for teenagers to learn it as it would undoubtedly turn out to be useful in their later life.

    • Ipshita

      July 30, 2021 at 8:30 PM

      In my opinion, teenagers need to be taught basic survival skills because of the following reasons.

      The future is uncertain. Despite our best efforts, we may get involved in a life-threatening situation. The importance of first-aid in such a scenario is very high. Consider the recent Denmark-Finland football match. About 30 minutes in, a player named “Christian Ericksen” falls unconscious to the floor. Players immediately surrounded him. Before medical professionals could get to him, his captain had performed a CPR procedure. In later analysis, it was revealed that Christian’s heart had stopped. If his captain hadn’t stepped in, he would have died. This perfectly highlights the need for the public to know basic first-aid. This can be ensured if all teenagers learn it as they are the future.

      No matter how safe your neighbourhood is, you can never rule out the dreaded possibility of a violent personal attack. What will you do if it were to occur? Trusting the police isn’t always a good idea. Therefore, learning self-defence techniques can be the difference between life and death. There are many examples of victims holding off their attackers or even turning the tables on them all because they knew how to protect themselves.

      Learning to cook is an underappreciated skill especially, among teenagers. However, one doesn’t remain young forever. Somewhere in the future, living alone becomes a possibility. But cooking isn’t a skill that can be mastered effortlessly. Just like riding a car, it takes a lot of time and effort. So it would be much easier for teenagers to learn it as it would undoubtedly turn out to be useful in their later life.

      8.5 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:55 PM

    In my view, I strongly support the idea to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense to every teenager, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race etc.

    In Today’s world, every teenager should be educated what is good and bad for them. Now a days, we are hearing lot of cases when small kids or teenagers are being smuggled to different countries or cities by human traffickers for child labor, bagging, and child sex purposes. If they are taught some basic self-defense technique such as how to raise SoS, call police, how not to fall into trap or even some basic fighting skills, this can often help them to save their lives.

    Another important skill should be learnt by teenagers is cooking, in my view, all teenagers should know basics about cooking. If the parents are not around and If the kid doesn’t know how to cook, they end up eating mostly junk foods like burger, pizza, chips etc, which is very harmful for their health. In my view, be it girl or boy, they should at least know how to prepare some easy-to-prepare food like sandwiches etc. Teenagers also would soon be going to colleges which might not be at the same place where they live with their parents, so it’s very important that they learn this skill and if needed when there is no family members with them, they can cook some food to survive.

    Just like other survival skills, having knowledge about First Aid is very important for teenagers, most of the teenagers are involved in highly intensive sports activities like Football, Running, Basketball, Cricket, Swimming etc. Mostly teenagers are prone to get hurt while playing in these sports, and it could be an emergency situation as well if they don’t take actions on time for example, if someone is hurt badly and bleed heavily or someone is drowned while swimming and his/her lungs are filled with water, So if immediate action such as giving first-aid or calling ambulance is not taken then kid’s life could be in danger but if they know what to be done in such emergency situations such as giving first aid to stop bleeding and calling ambulance, Eventually they will improve chances for Kid’s survival.

    To conclude, No matter from where, what caste, religion, gender, a teenager is coming from, everyone should have access and be taught all basic survival skills.

    • Ipshita

      July 30, 2021 at 8:50 PM

      In my view, I strongly support the idea to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defence to every teenager, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race etc.

      In Today’s world, every teenager should be educated on what is good and bad for them. Nowadays, there are several cases where small kids or teenagers are being smuggled to different countries or cities by human traffickers for child labour, bagging, and child sex purposes. If they are taught some basic self-defence techniques such as raising SoS, calling the police, not falling into a trap or even some basic fighting skills, this can often help them to save their lives.

      Another important skill that should be learnt by teenagers is cooking, in my view, all teenagers should know the basics of cooking. If the parents are not around and the kids don’t know how to cook, they end up eating junk foods like burgers, pizza, chips, which is very harmful to their health. In my view, be it, girl or boy, they should at least know how to prepare some easy-to-prepare food like sandwiches etc. Teenagers also would soon be going to colleges which might not be at the same place where they live with their parents, so they must learn this skill and if needed when there are no family members with them, they can cook some food to survive.

      Just like other survival skills, having knowledge about First Aid is very important for teenagers. Most teenagers are involved in highly intensive sports activities like Football, Running, Basketball, Cricket, Swimming etc. Most teenagers are prone to get hurt while playing these sports. It could be an emergency situation if they fail to take action on time. For example, if someone is drowning while swimming and the kid’s lungs are filled with water, immediate action such as giving first-aid or calling an ambulance should be taken to avoid a mishap. Eventually, this will improve chances for the child’s survival.

      To conclude, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and gender, a teenager should have access to and be taught all basic survival skills.

      5.5 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:57 PM

    Survival skills are techniques which are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include food, water, shelter, first aid and self defense etc. In my opinion, it is crucial to teach survival techniques to teenagers irrespective of gender, caste and any other things.

    Cooking is one of the most important survival skills to develop because it is main pillars of survival. We must cook food properly or you might risk disease and illness. When students are taught at an early age on how to cook, they develop the habit of preparing their own food even when they are at home. Some teenagers might begin to embrace the art of cooking and trigger an interest to take cooking as career. For instance, some schools in Japan have cooking clubs at the early stages so that students would also promote healthy lifestyle.

    First aid is the immediate and initial help given to anyone who suffer injury or sudden illness to intervene the condition from getting worse. Teenagers are at high risk of incurring injuries whether slight or severe through accidents. Equipping teenagers with basic first aid skills by giving them training is essential to reduce mortality rate through accidents. There is a teenager name Asim, who aged just 14 saved her grandfather’s life by recognising the symptoms of his heart attack and treating him until the paramedics arrived to take over.

    Self defense classes would help teenagers in building self-confidence and discipline, improve physical and mental condition. This survival skill would help students particularly when they are walking alone at night after classes, that’s the time when students are most vulnerable to attack. There are many other surviving techniques like building a temporary shelter, fire etc.

    Clear we all have responsibility to teach survival skills which plays a vital role in human life to sustain in any type of natural environment. Schools should include survival skills in their curriculum to promote importance of Surviving techniques.

    • Ipshita

      July 30, 2021 at 9:28 PM

      Survival skills are techniques that a person may use to sustain life in any type of natural environment or built environment. In my opinion, it is crucial to teach survival techniques to teenagers irrespective of gender, caste and any other things.

      Cooking is one of the most important survival skills to develop because it is the main pillar of survival. We must cook food properly or you might risk getting disease and illness. When students are taught at an early age how to cook, they develop the habit of preparing their own food even when they are at home. Some teenagers might begin to embrace the art of cooking and trigger an interest to take cooking as a career. For instance, some schools in Japan have cooking clubs for young students for promoting a healthy lifestyle.

      First aid is the immediate and initial help given to anyone who suffers injury or sudden illness to intervene the condition from getting worse. Teenagers are at high risk of incurring injuries whether slight or severe through accidents. Equipping teenagers with basic first aid skills by giving them training is essential to reduce the mortality rate through accidents. Asim, a 14-year teenager, identified the symptoms of his grandfather’s heart attack. He treated his grandfather until the paramedics arrived for help.

      Self-defence classes would help teenagers in building self-confidence and discipline, improve their physical and mental condition. This survival skill would help students particularly when they are walking alone at night after classes, that’s the time when students are most vulnerable to attack. There are many other surviving techniques like building a temporary shelter, fire etc.

      We all have the responsibility to teach survival skills to the next generation that would play a vital role in sustaining human life in any crucial situation. Schools should include survival skills in their curriculum to promote the importance of surviving techniques.

      5.5 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:57 PM

    Teenagers are the flag bearers of our future. It’s important to make sure that they have a comfortable and winning edge over others. To make sure that they do not miss any opportunities in future, it is indeed important to teach them few survival skills.

    A healthy life starts with healthy mind and body, and to have that one must be aware of good eating habits. This can be only fulfilled if the person has some basics of cooking. Eating outside or having packed food is not a permanent solution. One can eat well only if it is home cooked. This will also manage the budget to some extent if managed thoroughly.

    Gender has nothing to do with learning any new skills, as in modern world one has to do multitasking job. Some people find it low profile job, but when it comes to their own well-being nothing is more important. One should understand the importance of cooking in long run.

    One can also learn few first aid methods to avoid doctor’s visit. In Australia, it is mandatory for all the teachers to know first aid. This not only avoids accidents but also prevent them to some extent. It’s been found that few serious injuries if given attention at the beginning can have less recovery period for the patient.

    Person with such a skill is an added advantage for any of the organization. It will enhance once profile in a positive way. Self-defense techniques are one which is needed the most for working females. One can go around freely and leave peaceful life if they know to protect themselves from any unsocial elements.

    I conclude by statement that, whatever we learn today is going to be useful in future to a great level.

    • Ipshita

      July 31, 2021 at 9:10 AM

      Teenagers are the flag bearers of our future. We must make sure that they have a comfortable and winning edge over others. To make sure that they do not miss any opportunities in future, it is indeed important to teach them few survival skills.

      A healthy life starts with a healthy mind and body. To have a healthy life, one must be aware of good eating habits. This can be achieved if the person has some basic cooking skills. Eating outside or having packed food is not a permanent solution. One can eat well only if it is home-cooked. This will also manage the budget to some extent if managed thoroughly.

      Gender has nothing to do with learning any new skills, as in the modern world, one has to do a multitasking job. Some people may find it humiliating to learn few basic life skills which play a significant role in maintaining a balanced life. One should understand the importance of cooking in the long run.

      One can also learn few first aid methods to avoid medical mishaps. In Australia, all teachers must know first aid. Basic knowledge of giving first aids not only avoids accidents but also prevent them to some extent. Several instances prove that serious injury can be nipped in the bud if given attention.

      A person with such a skill is an added advantage for any organization. It will enhance one’s profile positively. Self-defence techniques are needed the most for working females. One can go around freely and live a peaceful life if they know to protect themselves from any unsocial elements.

      To conclude, whatever we learn today is going to be useful in future to a great level.

      6 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 9:01 PM

    There is no point to deny the truth that, it is really important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense etc., to teenagers, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race and other things. Because, these are the basic things to survive in this contemporary world.

    Firstly, if we look at our past generations, we can find that our ancestors may be less technologically advanced, but, they used to know the basic survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense etc. For example, cooking is the utmost important thing that each and every individual should learn at some point of time, because, to survive we need food and the food is prepared through any cooking process. As a result, our predecessors are used to intake hygienic food and they don’t use to get sick quite often. This is reason, that there life expectancy, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, was on the higher side.

    Secondly, I strongly agree that giving first aid and getting accustomed with the basic self-defensing techniques, goes side-by-side. For example, if we look at the most disciplined individuals of our society, i.e., the army personnel, they are imbibed with both these aforementioned skills and they are selfless. Due to which, they do not have to depend on anyone to accomplish anything, irrespective of any kind of situations.

    Therefore, to conclude, I firmly believe that it is really important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense etc., to teenagers, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race and other things.

    • Ipshita

      July 31, 2021 at 9:28 AM

      There is no point in denying the truth that every teenager, irrespective of any discriminatory factor, must learn survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defence, among other things. These survival skills help an individual to survive in this contemporary world.

      Firstly, if we look at our past generations, we can find that our ancestors may be less technologically advanced, but, they used to know the basic survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defence etc. For example, cooking is the utmost important thing that every individual should learn in life because we must consume a balanced diet to have a healthy life. Our predecessors used to intake hygienic food and, they lead a disease-free life. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the life expectancy of people was on the higher side.

      Secondly, I strongly agree that giving first aid and getting accustomed to the basic self-defence techniques, goes side-by-side. For example, if we look at the most disciplined individuals of our society, i.e., the army personnel, they are imbibed with both these aforementioned skills and they are selfless. Due to this, they do not have to depend on anyone to accomplish anything, irrespective of any kind of situation.

      In conclusion, I firmly believe that it is really important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defence etc., to teenagers, irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race and other things.

      6.5 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 9:01 PM

    We live in the world where life is uncertain and we have to battle everyday for survival, anything can happen anytime, if a person knows about some survival skills then the person can win the battle. Here I am going to mention the importance of survival skills. In my opinion everybody should have survival skills like building shelter, first-aid, cooking food, making fire etc. Gender, caste, religion, age doesn’t matter here because disaster does not strike with an alarm that it is just going to affect particular gender or caste people, if the humans know about the basic survival then they can come out from the worst situation.

    Parents and teacher should initiate to teach the survival skills to the kids. We all should be prepare for the situations. We can take the recent example of corona pandemic where some parents or kids were affected due to Covid 19 and struggling to cook food because nobody taught them. Why? Most of the people are having domestic helpers at their home, so in this fast life we don’t get the time to teach kids about making fire and cooking food. Do you know? Human can survive weeks without food or can live in temporary shelter but can’t survive without purified water, so if we stuck somewhere we should know how can we get the purified water. There any many examples around us where we have seen the considerate people to help others by providing the first aid in accidents, think if nobody knows about the first aid will we be able to save somebody’s life in emergency?

    The the concern is how and when can we teach these skills? There are many ways of teaching these skills, in schools teachers should be trained to teach basic survival skills and they should assign the practical task to their student so that they can also reflect their learning and teach somebody else and government should also put some efforts so that everybody should get this training. A warrior can’t fight without sharp weapon. We humans are having all the skills but we have to be good at it and for that we all need to learn and teach survival skills.

    • Ipshita

      July 31, 2021 at 9:50 AM

      We live in a world where life is uncertain and we have to battle every day for survival, anything can happen at any time, if a person knows about some survival skills then the person can win the battle. Here I am going to mention the importance of survival skills. In my opinion, everybody should have survival skills like building shelter, first-aid, cooking food, making fire etc. Irrespective of several discriminatory factors, human beings should learn survival skills because disaster does not strike with an alarm. If humans know about basic survival skills, then they can come out from the worst situation.

      Parents and teachers should initiate to teach the survival skills to the kids. We should remain prepared for all kinds of situations. We can take the recent example of the corona pandemic where some parents or kids were affected due to Covid 19 and struggling to cook food because nobody taught them. Why? Most of the people are having domestic helpers at their homes, so in this fast life, we don’t get the time to teach kids about making fires and cooking food. Do you know? A human can survive weeks without food or live in a temporary shelter but can’t survive without purified water. In case, we get stuck in a place, we should be skilled enough to find water sources to sustain life. There any many examples around us where we have seen considerate people help others by providing first aid in accidents, think if nobody knows about first aid will we be able to save somebody’s life in an emergency?

      The concern is how and when can we teach these skills? There are many ways of teaching these skills. In schools, teachers should be trained to teach basic survival skills to students. They should assign practical tasks to their students so that they can teach others. Government should also put some effort so that everybody should get this training. A warrior can’t fight without a sharp weapon. We, humans, have all the skills but we have to be good at it and for that, we all need to learn and teach survival skills.

      6 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 9:07 PM

    It is absolutely necessary to teach kids basic survival skills irrespective of their gender and race.

    Firstly, In some parts of the world, basic skills are taught by government by introducing mandatory military service. In Countries like Israel, everyone needs to join mandatory military service irrespective of there gender. During this service, they are taught basic skills like self-defence and first aid.

    Secondly, In countries like India, Parents are now much aware about the need of basic skills for teenagers due to global immigration as these skills will help their kids to survive in any part of the world. Previous there was a bias when it comes to teaching cooking skills to men and self-defence to women now a days both men and women are interested in learning all types of skills. However, when it comes to western countries, most of the teenagers leave home and start living individually and take jobs and due to this, they were taught to do all the household chores by themselves unlike Asian countries

    Thirdly, In private schools and hostels. These skills are encouraged to learn as extra curriculum activities by introducing competitions among children. For example, Schools conducting Self- defence competitions like karate for children irrespective of gender and encouraging Cooking as the passion in all the genders. Nowadays Teenagers are taught basic first-aid skills which can get handy in case of emergency around them.

    Conclusion, In this competitive world, everyone should learn basic skills which help them survive in day to day life irrespective of their gender and race.

    • Ipshita

      July 31, 2021 at 10:09 AM

      It is necessary to teach kids basic survival skills irrespective of their gender and race.

      Firstly, In some parts of the world, basic skills are taught by the government by introducing mandatory military service. In countries like Israel, everyone must join the military service irrespective of their gender. During this service, they are taught basic skills like self-defence and first aid.

      Secondly, In countries like India, Parents are now much aware of the need for basic skills for teenagers due to global immigration as these skills will help their kids to survive in any part of the world. Previously, while men were biased about learning cooking skills, women were uncomfortable about learning self-defence. Nowadays both men and women are interested in learning all types of skills. However, in western countries, most teenagers leave home and start living individually. Moreover, human labour is costly that prompts them to learn household chores.

      Thirdly, In private schools and hostels. These skills are encouraged to learn as extra curriculum activities by introducing competitions among children. For example, schools are conducting self-defence competitions like karate for children irrespective of gender. They are also encouraging cooking as a passion for all genders. Nowadays, teenagers are taught basic first-aid skills that can get handy in case of a medical emergency around them.

      In conclusion, In this competitive world, everyone should learn basic skills which help them survive in day to day life irrespective of their gender and race.

      6 band score

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 10:16 PM

    Good evening

    From the very beginning of the human race or any particular species it has always been about survival. Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest” clearly mention that in any species only the most acquainted members will survive and same applies for the human beings.

    Yes I believe that it is very important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first-aid, basic self defence etc. to the teenagers irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, relation, race, and other things. In this male dominant society women are always taught that they are there nutritionist of the family. Although I don’t disagree because someone has to do it either man or woman. But I do disagree with the fact the responsibility is burdened solely on a female. While a boy enjoys his teenage being pampered and spoiled, a girl is expected to learn cooking as early as possible. This archaic mindset society does not understand that the era has changed and somehow they are making that boy dependent on a female for something so basic like feeding himself. There is nothing to be ashamed or belittle about cooking your own meal.

    First-aid is something so many people around us needs everyday. While suffering from a medical emergency, a little help in form of first-aid might save someone’s life as we know an ambulance might take hours to reach the doorstep. If given training like BLS one might save their family or friends and it should be a compulsory part of teenagers education in high school.

    Apart from first-aid basic self defence should also be a part of their curriculum. Growing up in a country like India every teenager and their parents are afraid of the safety of our little ones. The guardian cannot be around every single moment which makes one ponder that what if children could protect themselves. My father encouraged to choose Karate as a sports when I was 8 years old. Though I was frustrated at that time because I really wanted to play pursue football or horse riding but he insisted on a self defence course. But today when I see these news channels loaded with barbaric crimes like molestation, sexual assault, statutory rape and moreover these inhumane acts are not gender, caste or religion related but only a reflection of psychologically handicapped part of our society.

    So to conclude, with the changing time we all need to get rid of these age old social norms to help our youngsters fight and prepare themselves for any unpredictable situation which life might throw at them, so that they can bounce back like a survivor.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      July 27, 2021 at 10:52 PM

      Good evening,

      From the very beginning of the human race or any particular species it has always been about survival. Darwinian theory of “the survival of the fittest” clearly mention that in any species only the most acquainted members will survive and same applies for the human beings.

      Yes I believe that it is very important to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first-aid, basic self defence etc. to the teenagers irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race, and other things. In this male dominant society women are always taught that they are the nutritionist of the family. Although I don’t disagree because someone has to do it either man or woman. But I do disagree with the fact the responsibility is burdened solely on a female. While a boy enjoys his teenage being pampered and spoiled, a girl is expected to learn cooking as early as possible. This archaic mindset of our society does not understand that the era has changed and somehow they are making that boy dependent on a female for something so basic like feeding himself. There is nothing to be ashamed or belittle about cooking your own meal.

      First-aid is something so many people around us needs everyday. While suffering from a medical emergency, a little help in form of first-aid might save someone’s life as we know an ambulance might take hours to reach the doorstep. If given training like BLS one might save their family or friends and it should be a compulsory part of teenagers education in high school.

      Apart from first-aid, basic self defence should also be a part of their curriculum. Growing up in a country like India every teenager’s parents are afraid of the safety of their little ones. The guardian cannot be around every single moment which makes one ponder that ‘what if children could protect themselves’. My father encouraged me to choose Karate as a sports when I was 8 years old. Though I was frustrated at that time because I really wanted to pursue football or horse riding but he insisted on a self defence course. But today when I see these news channels loaded with barbaric crimes like molestation, sexual assault, statutory rape etc. I can see it was for my betterment. Moreover these inhumane acts are not gender, caste or religion specific but only a reflection of psychologically handicapped part of our society.

      So to conclude, with the changing time we all need to get rid of these age old social norms to help our youngsters fight and prepare themselves for any unpredictable situation which life might throw at them, so that they can bounce back like a survivor.

      • Ipshita

        July 31, 2021 at 10:29 AM

        From the very beginning of the human race, it has always been about survival. Darwinian theory of “the survival of the fittest” clearly states that only the most acquainted members of a species would survive in this world. The same applies to human beings as well.

        Yes, I believe that it is crucial to teach survival skills like cooking, giving first-aid, basic self-defence to teenagers irrespective of their gender, caste, creed, religion, race, and other things. In this patriarchal society, women are viewed as the nutritionist of the family. But I do disagree with the fact the responsibility is burdened solely on a female. While a boy enjoys his teenage being pampered and spoiled, a girl is expected to learn cooking as early as possible. This archaic mindset of our society does not understand that the era has changed and somehow they are making that boy dependent on a female for something so basic like feeding himself. There is nothing to be ashamed of or belittle about cooking your meal.

        First-aid is something so many people around us need every day. While suffering from a medical emergency, a little help in the form of first-aid might save someone’s life as we know an ambulance might take hours to reach the doorstep. If given training like BLS, one might save their family or friends and, it should be a compulsory part of teenagers education in high school.

        Apart from first-aid, basic self-defence should also be a part of their curriculum. Indian parents are always worried about the safety of their little ones. The guardians can’t be around their children every moment, forcing them to ponder on the thought; what if children could protect themselves. My father encouraged me to choose Karate as a sport when I was 8years old. Though I was frustrated at that time as I wanted to pursue football or horse riding, he insisted on a self-defence course. But today, when I see these news channels loaded with barbaric crimes like molestation, sexual assault, statutory rape etc. I can see it was for my betterment. Moreover, these inhumane acts are not gender, caste or religion-specific but only a reflection of the psychologically handicapped part of our society.

        So to conclude, with the changing time we all need to get rid of these age-old social norms to help our youngsters fight and prepare themselves for any unpredictable situation which life might throw at them so that they can bounce back like a survivor.

        6.5 band score

        you have a strong vocab. try to avoid grammatical mistakes. you could get 8 otherwise

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:06 AM

    Survival skills in this present 21<sup>st</sup> century are one of the basic needs for living an independent life. Hence I strongly believe that cooking, giving first aid, basic self defence are necessary to be taught to the teenagers irrespective of their caste, creed, gender, religion, race and others.

    Looking at the present scenario most of the countries are facing issues with crime, health and living. To be precised when we speak about crime, there has been increase in cases where people are stabbed for money, lonely streets are not safe for girls etc therefore self defence can be a boon. Coming to health it is become common that people are losing consciousness just while walking of streets, accidents ranging from slightest to the life threatening ones. Hence learning basic first aid or basic life support training can be helpful for all the teenagers to support the society and its people.

    On the other hand there is no such rule where particular group of people or individuals should be learning the survival skills. It is open to humans of all caste, creed, religion, race and others to learn and develop the qualities of independency. Infact we have to consider these as a basic part of living no matter what background the individual comes from.

    To conclude on a positive note if schools start taking up basic survival classes during their school life, it would help children grow stronger and independent. However for today I reckon that atleast the teenager s are encouraged to learn such skills to lead a better life.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:08 AM

    In spite of every youngster’s background, it is significant to teach enduring skills like cooking, life-saving first aid giving process, and self-defensive techniques for this generation. I strongly believe that it will help every teenager at least once in their life and may help other people of the society.

    It is evident that every human being is facing challenges every day to the survival of the fittest. Parents should let their children or youngsters adopt surviving skills to protect them from hurdles coming in the future. Parents and Governments should encourage every teenager to learn new skills on regular basis based on their convenience so that youth will be ready to face any kind of problems from different corners of society. It is important to know about survival skills that will help us to lead life smoothly, whether it is cooking or social acceptance, or skim and scan the conditions at the new place, and accustom to it. This will help every individual to live their life with no hiccups.

    And also, schools or colleges should encourage their students to imbibe new skills in order to spend their valuable time. Learning new techniques for living their life without any hurdles, In spite of the regular education. They have to put some specials classes for their personality building and learning survival skills. They may need to relocate to different places as part of their higher education or work-related activities and the situation demands them to migrate to different places for a better standard of living in the future. And, their life taught them to habituate the advantage of receiving things on a positive note, though migration is not an easy thing and they need to accustom to local conditions like weather, ambiance, and culture, etc. We never know the teenagers may face real-time challenges from anyone or any situation and they should be in a position to survive themselves through talkativeness or if they are trained with self-defensive techniques like Karate etc.

    In other words, I firmly say that every teenager should learn or imbibe to life-saving or enduring skills to lead a better life in order to face any challenges in their life irrespective of their family background or in any other circumstances.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:11 AM

    Basic survival skills are vital for any individual and I completely agree that it should be taught to youth.

    Cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense,etc. are primary skills and can be applicable at any point of life. These skills help in sustaining, in addition to being independent. For instance, a child got hurt while playing he/she could manage the minor injury by themselves rather leaving it, which can cause infection if not treated with a disinfectant.

    Survival skills are recommended to be up- skilled at teenage. At adolescence, children tend to navigate and find their own identity. Besides, these skills will boost their confidence, curiosities and give them a sense of independence. It is a tender age in which they tend to be volatile towards various perception of world. Educating them equality, moral values and encouraging them to contribute the society by offering help to the needy ones would make a difference in the way they act.

    In conclusion, enlightening youth with basic skills could result in building a better foundation for their journey of life as it comes with gratuity in various forms.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:27 AM

    The acquaintance of life surviving and saving skills are one of the most substantial aspect of our existence and I insist that every human being should learn those techniques at the early stage of our life.

    The survival skills plays vital role in our day to day life. No wonder, when we would need those skills at any instance. If we are well conservent with these skills, definitely it will help us as well as society will get benefited by us. As an anecdote during college days, one of my friend was collapsed due to heat stroke while playing cricket. Doctor was not around & we get fumbled and unable to handle that perilous situation but fortunately, one of the staff member who had given first aid such as artificial breath and tablets who helped that boy to recover faster from that pandemic. That time, I have realized the importance of such life survival skills.

    According to me, the survival skills should be part of our school curriculum & its government ought to make this compulsory subject for everyone irrespective of gender, cast, creed, religion and race. The life saving skills such as self-defence will certainly give strength to girls and women to tackle, handle any life threatening situation. Take an example of Israel, where military as well as life saving skills training for two years is must for every bachelors which makes their youth capable to survive in any difficult environment which they could face in future.

    To summarise this discussion, teaching life survival hacks at early stage is very much necessary to all parts of our society so that every individual can survive and handle ominous situation to an certain extent independently.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:33 AM

    Some people believe that life skills such as cooking, first aid, swimming and self-defence can be taught only on need to know basis depending upon gender, caste, creed etc, however, I am convinced that vital life skills are requisite for survival for any member of society and we should strive to make it accessible to each one of us.

    To begin, life is so unpredictable that we don’t know what may happen next around us, do we know? Thus we should be prepared at all times to handle crisis situations as much as possible, not to mention the crisis does not look at gender, caste, religion and so on, before striking, and hence, it is imperative that all of us should be taught survival skills. For instance, ever since CPR training is incorporated in the annual training calendar of industries, so many lives have been saved till date because employees could employ CPR techniques as first aid to their colleagues, who suffered strokes.

    Furthermore, there are many moments in life when you are stuck alone, due to natural or other disasters, if you know essential skills such as cooking, you will be able to follow through in such stringent times. Another such skill, worth mentioning, is swimming, people who know swimming have saved a number of crucial human lives. To illustrate another such example, during the recent lockdown imposed due to the pandemic, when people of all ages, gender, and religion were compelled to stay in their homes, with irregular household supplies and medical facilities, people who knew essential life skills could manage their necessities at ease.

    To conclude, I would go up to the extent to say that life survival skills should be made mandatory for everyone, irrespective of gender, caste, religion, just like any other basic hygiene of life is taught.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 1:41 AM

    Basic life skills should be taught to teenagers without any discrimination . Although some people believe that routine tasks need to be mastered by people according to their social status in the society, I believe that the knowledge of day to day activities is essential for living irrespective of the cast or gender of the person as it allows them to become independent.

    Some people prefer girls to master cooking and look after home, whereas expect boys to acquire skills like self-defense for protection of girls. Moreover ,there is a propensity to believe that women are tenuous who need to be guarded by men ,consequently women should take care of household chores . For example, my friend Meenu was not allowed to enrol into karate classes as her parents contemplated that these classes will be of no use to her in the future. Overall, society has has this preconceived notion about the skills required by men and women .

    On the other hand, some people believe in the vital role of knowledge about daily activities in becoming independent. Firstly, it is essential to learn basic skills for teenagers to get by in daily life . Secondly, this not only make them independent but also makes them more confident to tackle obstacle in the future.For example ,my friend Sita is adept in cooking as well as self-defense consequently, making her confident and independent. Furthermore, with the trend of nuclear families increasing and grandparents not being able to look after children, it has become even more essential to learn about routine work substantial for living.

    In conclusion, this essay discussed why some people believe that people should be skilled in basic tasks whereas others believe it is not necessary for surviving I agree that everyone should be self-reliant and the old notion of woman cooking and men procuring livelihood for them should be re-approach and criticized.

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