Posted by Unknown Member on July 19, 2021 at 3:45 PMQ. The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think that this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken gradually.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having one language in the world?
Answer: Band 9
Tourism has revolutionized the world and has led to an increased prominence for the English language. Some people believe that this will lead to English becoming the single language spoken legally. This essay will examine the main advantages and drawbacks of having a single universal language.
The main advantages of having a single language rather than multiple local languages are ease of communication among several countries and an improved inter-country relationship. Due to a universal language, it would be really easy to communicate with other countries and access their resources. For instance, a US citizen can freely communicate with a Japanese and this would improve the revenue for Japan in terms of tourism. Moreover, Japanese are very hardworking and they can contribute some ideas for the US economy. The second advantage is an improved inter-country relationship. For instance, due to a single language, it would be relatively easy to exchange foreign workers and thereby fill the skill gap among the countries.
The main disadvantage is the extinction of localism. Although it is possible to make English the primary language of a country, it is really difficult for every country to attain the level of fluency as a native speaker. Moreover, the accent differs from one country to another. For instance, Canada, Australia, and the US have English as their primary language. However, they differ in their accent. Furthermore, this leads to an extinction of local language and local culture that have been preserved by the ancestors for a long time.
In conclusion, a single universal language is definitely beneficial for every country and improves the relationship among them, but it is certainly detrimental for the local language and damages the local culture in future.
Unknown Member replied 5 months ago 49 Members · 79 Replies -
79 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 19, 2021 at 9:54 PMMost of the people have in their mind that English will become the only spoken language slowly and gradually with the growth of tourism as it has contributed to it becoming the most eminent language in the world. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having one universal language in the whole world.
English language becoming the global language will reap many benefits. There would be no discrimination on the basis of language. As a result, everyone would be treated equally. There would be least chances of miscommunication which will enhance better understanding among people. For instance, an Indian can freely speak to a person in USA which will rather improve inter-country relationship too. There would be no separate courses people had to opt for being bilingual as it would be no longer needed. Speaking one language will make the person comfortable to deal with different people in several countries.
The major disadvantages of having one language worldwide will result into loss of native language and their mother tongue and subsequently the loss of their culture. People will loss their native language, their mother tongue. There would be no separate identity of people belonging to particular region. This would in turn will have dire consequences on tourism industry as there would be no point of travel if everyone have same culture and language.
However there are some advantages of English being the only language, but having local and regional language is must to ensure a rich world heritage for future generations. Therefore, it would be beneficial to speak one’s native language.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 5:45 AM -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 9:32 AMTourism is one of the important contributors to GDP in many developing countries and since most of the travellers are from developed English speaking nations, the local community is bound to learn the language to boost their business. Some people believe that it will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken. In this essay, we shall discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of having only one language across the globe.
Having one language as a means of communication brings the world closer and enables us to understand each other better. Tourists can now travel without the fear of travelling into unknown territory as language binds them with the locals. For Instance, many travellers have complained that they have been looted in a foreign nation because of the language barrier, these kinds of experiences will be avoided by having one language system.Having a unison language will have a resounding impact in the field of science and technology, as people will be able to understand easily and work on any new theory immediately, thus saving time on translation. Thus, having one common language not only helps in communication but also saves money and time.
Though governments can reap monetary benefits by having a single language, it will undermine the very basic foundation of a culture, which is language. The uniqueness of society will be lost if its language is lost. For example, many regional languages are now dead in India since the government made Hindi a mandatory language in schools. The future generations will not be even knowing such languages existed and thus massive destruction of various cultures will be happening all across the globe. The impact of having one language will be that like naming animals under extinct category we will head towards placing our mother tongues in it.
Thus, weighing both the advantages and disadvantages of having a common language, I personally feel that one should not put his own language and culture at peril at the behest of monetary benefits.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 1:21 PMIntroduction- paraphrase the question statement, include the main points in your thesis statement
BP 1: will be avoided- can be avoided- use the modal verb to show the possibility
unison- incorrect word choice
thus is used twice- shows redundancy
BP 2: Avoid using for example as it is quite common- use for instance or take for example
be even knowing- even know
will be happening- can happen
Conclusion- just sum up your main points
BS: 4/6 Keep Working.
Sakshi Baidya
GuestJuly 20, 2021 at 9:40 AMThe English language has become ubiquitous nowadays and continues its expansion through the world. And it is true that when English becomes a common language we will have a much closer and understanding international community, it would certainly be at the expense of smaller indigenous people and their languages. This essay will examine positive and negative sides of global prevalence of one language.
It is unquestionable that having one language that all people are able to comprehend, yields numerous benefits from practical point of view. Firstly, everyone will be capable to have a conversation with a foreigner without any language barrier. Secondly, an ample amount of money that spends as remunerations for professional translators, will be save. Also, thinking in one language unites people and their mutual understanding will be increased significantly. Therefore, an international language is beneficial to economical development and generally facilitates communication process.
On the other hand, electing English as the only spoken language around the world would certainly prove a threat to small cultures around the world, especially indigenous communities. Already one can witness that there are many tribes which are disconnected from the world, and if English were to become the main language, it would push those groups further away. If there is no support provided to market their local language and culture, their heritage would fade away by lack of visits from tourists. For example, many small tribes living in islands of Japan see a lot of visitors who are very curious of their old and rich history.
In conclusion, with more and more tourists visiting various cultures and places, the logic behind making English as a global language will only get stronger. This might prove effective in removing misunderstandings and communication barriers among the global community. Meanwhile, it is also advisable to not get detached from one’s own mother tongue.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 9:53 AMEnglish has become the most widely used language across the world because of tourism. Will this lead to English being the only language used in the future? Some people think that it will. Following paragraphs will discuss pros and cons of this prospective future.
Firstly, the most important advantage of a single language would be the ease of communication it will bring for people across the world. Proper communication will promote development and decrease conflict among different countries. For instance, countries which did not adapt to English until recently are lagging both in technology and lifestyle. Secondly, every individual will have access to more knowledge and hence a broader perspective of the world. A paddy farmer in a remote village would have more knowledge, both related and unrelated to his job if he spoke English rather than a local tongue.
On the other hand, one of the most important disadvantage will be the loss of culture. Each language has its history, culture and significance which will be lost if English becomes the only language spoken. English does not have replacements to some native words and will lead to loss of a few ways of expression. For example, Sanskrit has one of the longest history among all the languages and many claim that translating historical poems and records written in Sanskrit into any other language loses their meaning and appeal. The demerits of English as the only language seem more serious than the merits it might bring.
To conclude, although having English as the only language can promote development and individual knowledge, the cultural cost at which these merits are gained is not worth it. Having English as a common second language while retaining the other languages would bring the best of both scenarios.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 21, 2021 at 9:02 AMIntroduction: Don’t include question statement in intro instead write a thesis statement stating the main points
BP 2: one of the most important disadvantage- disadvantages- always include a plural term after one of the
replacements to- of
one of the longest history- rephrase this line
loses their meaning- will result in a loss of their meaning
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 9:56 AMThe people who travels to tourist places especially use English as a communication language it is because English language is spoken globally. Undoubtedly there are both pros and cons for using English as communication language in tourist places. This essay describes the advantage and disadvantage of using English in tourist places.
Using English as a primary language in tourist places helps in better communication between the travelers and the tour guide. Travelers gain the knowledge of local history place, since english is spoken. While using English as primary language in tourist places, it attracts many travelers to visit the tourist places which helps in boosting the country economy.
On the other hand, countries will lose their uniqueness and diversity. It would be a great loss of, because people do not want to travel for pleasure and interest if all the countries has the same and similar cultures.
In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of having one language. We can say that English should be taken as global language. But, at the same time we cannot ignore the local languages and cultures.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 21, 2021 at 9:06 AMINTRODUCTION: travels- travel
include paraphrase and thesis statement
BP 1: local history place- rephrase this line
Incorrect complex sentence
BP 2: loss of- loss
countries has- have
same and similar- similar
Conclusion: summarise the main points
BAND SCORE: 2.5/6 Keep working!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 9:59 AMEnglish has been renowned as the Universal Language since the advent of colonialism. The growth of tourism across the world contributed to the prominence of this language as this single medium would help in communicating with almost everyone around the globe. Although, there exist advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world which are to be discussed.
A single language all through the world aids in easing the communication among people thereby reducing the gap of age, and status that may be seen in them. Moreover, it helps in creating a sense of oneness so that there can be no discrimination in the name of a language. In addition, the huge crowd of translators and their mistranslations can be avoided when it comes to a world leaders’ gathering. For instance, there were incidents that led countries to war just because of improper translations. The notion of a solitary language can impart confidence in people to face a group in their office or a crowd in public.
On the contrary, language is a cultural symbol that exemplifies the essence and diversity in art, culture, and heritage intertwined with one’s native which could be adversely affected by the idea of a single language. It must also be considered the status of various aboriginal groups around the world who may phase out due to lack of communication with locals of their inhabitance. In fact, many cultural celebrations are tied up with the local language where the translations of related words are laborious and may lose their true sense.
In a nutshell, a single language for the world is rather more close to a utopian idea since it can wreck the uniqueness and diversity in different cultures. However, a universal language like English is definitive as this can create oneness in people along with preserving the native language in its vivid canvas.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 21, 2021 at 9:12 AMINTRODUCTION: paraphrase the question statement
Universal Language- punctuation mistake- universal langauage
Include thesis statement
BP 1: easing communication- collocation mistake- effective communication
a language- language
a world – world
BP 2: one’s native- include a relevant word after native for clarity
considered the- that the
who may- may
BAND SCORE: 3/6 Keep working!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 22, 2021 at 8:47 AMEnglish rose to its present-day prominence and widespread acceptability since the advent of tourism. In fact, some people even believe that English might turn into the only language around the world in time. However, there exist both advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world which are to be discussed.
A single language all through the world aids effective communication among people thereby reducing the gap of age and status that may be seen in them. Moreover, it helps in creating a sense of oneness so that there can be no discrimination in the name of language. In addition, the huge crowd of translators and their mistranslations can be avoided when it comes to world leaders’ gathering. For instance, there were incidents that led countries to war just because of improper translations. The notion of a solitary language can impart confidence in people to face a group in their office or a crowd in public.
On the contrary, language is a cultural symbol that exemplifies the essence and diversity in art, culture, and heritage of a region which could be adversely affected by the idea of a single language. It must also be considered that the status of various aboriginal groups around the world may phase out due to the lack of communication with locals of their inhabitance. In fact, many cultural celebrations are tied up with the local language where the translations of related words are laborious and may lose their true sense.
In a nutshell, a single language for the world is rather more close to a utopian idea since it can wreck the uniqueness and diversity in different cultures. However, a universal language like English is definitive as this can create oneness in people along with preserving the native language in its vivid canvas.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 10:06 AMMost of the cosmopolitan city has adapted English as it’s a prevalent worldwide as an international language therefore all sectors often follow this language & tourism sector is not untouchable. Definitely, the expansion of tourism has been possible due the extensive efforts that’s been made by the government to fetch the foreign tourists by making them opportune in terms of communication, in that case English plays a vital role but few scenarios are being overlooked with the widely acceptance of this language.
I’m absolutely convinced with the fact that English has emerged as a compelling language in the market but tourism has made English a coercive language as that’s helped in the growth of the sector and eventually generating the revenue for the development of the country. Not only the tourists which get lure but also foreign investors who are looking forward for the places across the world where exploration would happen without hindrance of language has been finding comfortable.
Subsequently, the most relevant question always pops up in my mind, would tourism be constricting to specific language? As per my conscience, the answer should be “NO” because there has been a significant amount of people who are not very well versed with the English language,for those tourism seems to be a nightmare & do not entail them in the development of tourism.
To conclude, it’s undeniable that tourism has made English as imperative language across the globe because of this exemplary acceptance internationally but Tourism should not be confined to specific language otherwise the spectrum of originality will be thwarted.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 12:02 PMOver the years, English has become one of the prominent languages in the world as people believe that it has become an universal language while other languages gradually tend to disappear. But, even though, it has advantages, there are lots of disadvantages too. This essay will examine the main advantages and drawbacks of having a single universal language.
The main advantages of having a single language rather than multiple local languages are ease of communication among several countries and which can improve inter-country relationship. Due to having sole language spoken all over the world will make communication convenient. Furthermore, trade and business opportunities between two nations can be efficient. People can communicate from one corner of the world to another corner which will surely help in globalization. Moreover, tourists can be benefitted and comforted to explore more without facing difficulties in communicating.
On the contrary, the main disadvantage would be countries will lose their uniqueness and language diversity. Although it is possible to make English the primary language of a country, it is really difficult for every country to attain the level of fluency as a native speaker, cause the accent differs from one country to another. For instance, Canada, Australia, and the US have English as their primary language. But they differ in their accent. Furthermore, this leads to an extinction of local language and local culture that have been preserved by the ancestors for a long time which in all makes them loose their true value.
In conclusion, a single universal language is definitely beneficial for every country and improves the relationship among them, but it is certainly harmful for the local language and damages the local culture in future.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 12:28 PM-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 21, 2021 at 8:33 AMIntroduction- work on paraphrasing
if want to- if one wants to
Include thesis statement instead of the complex sentence
Rampant- incorrect word choice- spread rapidly
obligatory- mandatory
communicate to- communicate with
Oral- omit this word
Burry- bury
Conclusion- to good- good
Band score-3/6 Keep working
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 20, 2021 at 11:54 PMEnglish has become the most adopted language in the world despite the fact that it is not spoken by the majority of the countries. The growth in the tourism sector has made English a widely accepted language in the many part of the world. Hence, many people are believe that it will be contributing to English become the single language to be spoken in the world. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of having one common language on the earth.
Definitely, having a sole language will have enormous advantage to the countries it will benefit to make hassle free trade between nations, additionally, a noneconomic transections such as education or technology exchange also can be performed seamlessly between nations. for instance, Chinese and Russian can establish trade effortlessly as understanding would be so easy for both. Another main advantage is countries can standardize their study or education system thereby the skills and manpower facilities could be exchanged which potentially help to create more job opportunities.
However, there are the downsides of one global language also. Countries may lose their ancient language which has linked with own values, culture and tradition and those represents their origin and sense of belonging therefore there is risk of losing own identity. Another major drawback is setting a single language is tedious task for any countries and obviously it’s not an overnight job. It may lead to dispute or outbreak among the countries or even within the countries especially like the India which is most diversified nation.
Finally I would say adopting a sole language will stronger the relationship and economy of countries as powerful advantage considering other side fact that drawbacks has not to be overlooked.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 23, 2021 at 6:57 PMUndeniably, English is the most popular and spoken language in this world. Some believes that because of the growth in the travel and holiday business, English language is conquering the every nook and corners in this contemporary world. This will eventually leads to English being the only lingua franca across the globe. In this essay we will see the merits and demerits of having a universal language.
One of the evident benefit of having one common language is that it will make communication easier and will avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. This concept will also bring people all around the world together. For instance in India, politicians are taking advantage of the people’s affinity to their respective mother tongue and creating altercations among different communities thereby politicizing their language sentiments. If English is the only language spoken, then these unnecessary political dramas can be avoided. Universal language will also aid in improving the economy at international level as this removes the language barriers among countries thereby paving way for smooth and trouble free trading.
On the other hand, making one language predominant will lead to disappearance of other languages which have more values and rich cultures in it thereby destroying the diversity in the world. Culture, language and history are interlinked blocks and these are the identifications for many human beings. With the death of any language, the culture, the traditions and the history of that community will also disappear. Without diversity this world will become a mundane place to live thereby killing the tourism and the tourism based economies.
Language is the one that defines and groom the human being by its rich and varied heritage. Though there are few advantages in having a one language system, we will be completely losing all the regional languages and their varied heritage.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 26, 2021 at 11:27 AMIntroduction: paraphrase the question statement
believes- believe
the evry- every
leads- lead
write a clear thesis statement with main points
BP 1: the people’s – people’s
affinity to- affinity for
at international- at an international
BP 2: lead to disappearance- lead to the disappearance
in it- in them
in the world- of the world
Conclusion: use a conclusion linker
the one- one
be completely losing- completely lose
summarise the main points clearly
BAND SCORE: 3.5/6 Keep writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 8:10 PMTravelling surely is contributing in making English language as the most prominent one, and many people believe that a day will come when English will be treated as the only usable language in the world. This essay will discuss about the pros and cons of using a single language in the world.
The two major advantages include: Elimination of mis-communication and ease of studying in different countries. Firslty, having single language all over the world will result in exchange of messages with the intended meaning of the person writing it, and also, will make the exchange of thoughts easier among people living in different parts of world. For Instance, many times, when one uses an e-translator to translate their text into English language, the essence of that message is lost in the translation but, having single language will eliminate this issue completely. Secondly, it will make studying abroad much easier for students, as they have to go through a lot of trouble to first learn the native language of the country in which they want to pursue their studies. For Example, one of my friends who wants to go to Germany to pursue his masters have to learn German language first, as it is a must required eligibility for admission there.
However, having mono-lingual world also has some disadvantages like reduction in the diversity of languages and it depletion in the jobs for professional translators. In present there are more than 100 languages that are spoken by the people in different parts of the world, and making English as the only usable language will take away this sense of localism among people living in different countries. For Example, if English is declared as the only language to be used all over the world, people of Non-English speaking countries have to learn it compulsorily and will have to give up their mother tongues. Furthermore, this will also take away the jobs of different translators as well as the different institutions teaching different languages to the students all over the world. For Example, the translators used by the officials of different countries will no longer be of any use if speaking of multiple-languages will be given up.
To conclude, having single acceptable language may create some problems to certain amount of individuals but, the advantages of the same will definitely outweigh these drawbacks.
Feedback: Overall good approach, but execution is not up to the mark as future tense was used a lot that has resulted repetition of the structure, Introduction could have been more precise & informative, need to work on sentence formation, related word, Grammatical range & accuracy.
Band: 2.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 8:17 PMEnglish is being spoken widely all around the world because tourism played a vital role in its development. If this continues then at some point in the future, English will be the only lingua franca of the world. In this essay we will see the pros and cons of using only a single language for communication.
One of the evident benefits of having one language is that it will make the communication easier and will avoid any misunderstandings caused during translation. Also, if there is no language barrier, people will not hesitate to travel. Thereby, promoting to the tourism sector of country. Universal language will also help in improving the relationships between the countries leading to more trade and friendship agreements. For instance, if India and China are speaking a common language, we could resolve the conflicts with a win-win solution and could find a common ground to improve our regional economic corridors.
On the other hand, if one language is used prominently then it will lead to the extinction of other languages in the world. All languages have its unique deep-rooted values and characters linked to their culture and ancient lineage. In case if language like Tamil is vanished then the history of great kingdoms like Cholas and Pandyas and literatures like Tirukural will die with that. Also, usage of single language will lead to a mundane world eventually as it would have killed the distinct culture and arts with the regional language.
To conclude, language is an identity to any human being which evolved over centuries with its own rich and varied heritage. Though having a common language has its advantages, it has more demerits which is detrimental to local languages.
Feedback: Content is not up to the mark as because simple language the essay didn’t make an impact. Need to work on the essay writing patter to discuss the points accordingly, sentence formation needs to be improved along with related words, cohesive devices should be used to link the sentence.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 9:29 PM-
Feedback: Very well written, try to avoid grammatical errors as found in BP 1 & 2 singular & plural errors along with conditional sentence, good use of cohesive device, need to work on language a bit to score good.
Band: 3/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 6, 2021 at 11:08 AMIn recent times, tourism gained a lot of popularity around the world and has led to an increased prominence for the English language. It is considered by some people that this will lead to English becoming a single language to be spoken globally. In this essay, I would like to discuss both advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, there are many advantages of having a single language globally. Firstly, we can see rapid growth in the tourism sector. Since there is no language barrier people would not hesitate or feel scare to visit a new county or explore new places. Secondly, it helps people to communicate efficiently with other people. This is beneficial for scientists and doctors to share their knowledge with other county people. For example, if there is any discovery that happened in India then scientists can explain the cause and use of discovery efficiently to other countries like japan, china, etc. In addition, it also attracts new business and investors.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of having a common language in the world. One of the main drawbacks is county lose their uniqueness and language diversity. For example, countries like India have many languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, etc. People often learn two or three languages for communication. Having a common language can sabotage uniqueness. Furthermore, this leads to an extinction of local language and local culture that have been preserved by the ancestors for a long time.
In conclusion, although having a single language globally has certain disadvantages like the destruction of local languages and country uniqueness, it has an extremely positive impact on the development of tourism and easy communication around the world. So I believe that the benefits of having a single language globally outweigh its drawbacks.
Feedback: Good attempt, content is good, few more cohesive devices can be used to make long and linked sentence along with the grammatical range,
In BP 1 – Since there is no language barrier, people do not get hesitated should be there along with sentence formation used in example as found less appropriate.
Band: 3.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 9, 2021 at 3:07 PMINTRODUCTION: include main points in your thesis statement
BP1: First of all, firstly- write either one of them
scare- scared
county- spelling mistake- country
country people- people of different nationalities
don’t mention the country name in your example. Give general examples
BP2: choice making- different choices
a stress- stress
Conclusion: summarise your main points clearly.
BAND SCORE: 3/5 Keep Writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 6, 2021 at 12:08 PMIn today’s growing world, people show more interest in tourism in their family trips. So tourism had made English as the common language in many countries and in future this may become the national language for all countries. This essay will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of English being the prominent language in the world.
There are two main Benefits if English becomes the common language in every country. First and foremost, it will be very easy to communicate with anyone from one corner of the world to another corner of the world and the Governments of different countries will have huge platform to discuss about the growth in one’s own country. Next comes comforts of people who travel around the globe; the travelers will be very comfortable in talking and sharing their problem when visit another country, this helps them to feel like home.
As there are some advantages there will be some flaws also in making English as the single language in the world. The main disadvantage is that many of the countries will loose their tradition, nativity and the uniqueness of their country which is brought by their ancestors. The second drawback of this essay is, one can easily find out the major secrets of other countries and this leads to wars between many countries where there are higher chances of taking rule of other countries.
In conclusion, single language in the world will definitely makes communication simple in every aspect. Though, this beneficial for world growth we needn’t leave our own mother tongue. For instance we can make English as a mandatory language in every country with the help of local governments. With this, communication will be made easy and every one will be free to speak in their own language as well as in English to communicate with different people from different parts of the world.
Feedback: Content is not up to the mark neither relevant, but effort is good. Need to work on the requirement of this category and essay writing to create an impact as no example found, repetition is used in future sentences.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 6, 2021 at 9:09 PMIt is thought by some people that English, which is the most widely spoken language across the world will dominate over all other languages and will lead to become the only language to be spoken all over the world in future. However, having one language globally will have some pros and cons as well. We will discuss both the parts in the following paragraph.
Firstly, the most important advantage of having one global language is that it would enable greater understanding between the countries by making the communication easier. Speaking merely one language makes the person much more comfortable to cope with different people in several countries which will promote earning, flow of information and ideas. Secondly, having all the people speaking the same language will be advantageous as it would help economic growth by making trades and business between the countries more efficient by reducing the barriers.
However, having one language also has some obvious disadvantages as all other languages will disappear eventually and along with them, their cultures, norms and values. Each language has its own way of life and its own perspectives of the world which would be lost if there was only one language. Secondly, there may be a dispute between the powerful countries. For instance, due to the development of trade many countries will be powerful and there would be an economic war and blockade.
In conclusion, having one language can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, it simplifies communication between people from different countries. On the other hand, it may destroy a variety of customs and traditions.
Feedback: Good effort but preparation required based on this category and in essay writing as found personalisation not generalisation, need to work on all 4 parameters of writing part 2, as simple structure was used.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 6, 2021 at 10:06 PMFYA
Feedback: Good attempt, good use of content but need to work on sentence formation along with few linking words, try to use examples as found none.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 9, 2021 at 3:44 AMThe expansion of tourism contributed to English becoming the most important language worldwide. Some people think that this will bring out to English becoming the only language to be spoken gradually. This essay will shed light on the pros and cons of having a single language for the entire world.
The major pros of having a single language instead of multiple regional languages are that communicating with other counties will become easy. If all countries set their main communication language to English, then there will be no language barrier or communication gap, which will lead to a good relationship among all countries. Citizens of any country can communicate with citizens of other countries without having much difficulty.
The major cons are if we all set a single universal language for communication then there is some fair chance of losing our native language, mother tongue, and culture, and values. It will be very difficult for some people to adapt to the same accent, fluency as a native speaker, for instance United Kingdom, United States have their primary language as English but carries in their accent.To conclude, one single language for all countries will be surely a good option and there will be a reduction in the number of people who are facing problems while communicating with other nations, but it is not fair for all local and regional languages in the entire world in the future.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 9, 2021 at 12:00 PMINTRODUCTION: bring out to: lead to
BP1: are that- is that as you have mentioned only one point
BP2: carries- difference
Conclusion: summarise the main points clearly
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 9, 2021 at 12:02 PMBAND SCORE: 3.5/6 Good. Keep Writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2021 at 7:18 PMUndoubtedly the past few years have shown a big advancement in the tourism sector, which has gradually resulted in English becoming the most important language. Does that really mean that English may become the only language spoken in the world? Let us have a look over the pros and cons people may have when having one language in the world.
If there will be only one language then all people will be focused on learning that one language and there will be no inferiority complex in people when communicating with other countries people like some people nowadays have when they are not able to speak properly in English. In fact, it can result in more of the tourist visiting other countries and hence more revenue. Furthermore, there will be less discrimination amongst people, for instance, English-speaking students sometimes bully students who are not able to speak in English.
On the contrary, having a universal language means that there will be no local language that depicts the culture of every country. For instance, India is known as a diverse country because it is the land of many tongues. Hundreds of languages are spoken here which shows people’s identities we are able to figure out from where a person belongs by his/her language. Having one language will have an adverse effect on the countries’ diverse cultures. Not only this, there will be a full stop on people’s urge of learning more language.
English is the most prominent language as it is the only language that is widely accepted across the globe. In conclusion, regardless of the many benefits society will have from having a universal language, the concept is debatable as the drawbacks also cannot be ignored.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 27, 2021 at 8:37 AMINTRODUCTION: write main points in your thesis statement
BP 1:
tourist- tourists
Furthermore- Moreover
people- redundantly used
BP 2:
shows people’s identities we are- jumped to the second sentence without concluding the previous sentence
Conclusion: well written
BAND SCORE: 3.5/6 Keep Writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 25, 2021 at 2:53 PMLanguages are the means of communication in this world. Since the travellers travelled across different nations they also found new languages to socialize with the new groups of people. Most of the english speaking countries travelled around the world and left an impact on others homeland about western styles including english as well. While, having english as the only language can promote a unified culture with no hardships in understanding other language, on the other side it can affect the diversification of cultures in this world.
As it is clear that, having a single language in our case as english, will surely bring down the communication gap. For instance, many non english speaking countries like Japan and China, find it very difficult to connect and follow along the ideas with the english speaking countries. Furthermore, it will reduce the grudges some countries have over other nations language. Like, some people often, make fun of others languages to make them feel ashamed about there own language. Moreover, having a one language can promote a sense of unity among other nations, as other nations will be able to follow along the ideas and will be less prone to misconceptions. Overall, bringing down the gaps in communication.
Now, turning to the details of what might go wrong. Firstly, it can severely affect the diversity of the current world. People often love diversification as it aids in learning one’s culture and connection with there ancestral life. Also, a single literature for the world seems boring. Literatures, like poems, music, art, and craft often brings joy for there learners and among others as well, which will be lost if we have a unified language for all. The variety that every culture contributes to the society is very important afterall.
To sum up, a language of one for all can benefit to the society through its approach of togetherness in relationships around the globe. On the other side, it can take away different lifestyles and trends one is able to impart from other languages.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 26, 2021 at 1:51 PM@Falak,
Kindly review it.
Introduction : Although (some) believe it has a disadvantage (major drawbacks.)
B.P 1 : While interacting and Share (sharing ) the resources
dealing with others (natives ) of different countries.
B.P 2 : since it (local language) differentiates
will result tourism industry in danger ( hence, jeopardize tourism industry).
Band : 3.5/6
Keep writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 17, 2021 at 7:55 PMEnglish is becoming significantly the most prominent language globally used, because of the expanding growth in tourism industry and this is the reason why some people believe that it would lead to English becoming the only language used internationally. In my opinion, I completely disagree with this statement that English language will be the only form of communication. <div>
The language do offers various advantages to it, being that it is one of the most globally used language and is a pre-requisite if you want to work in international markets, world esteemed multinational companies and even if you simply want to pursue your education in foreign countries. It is the language that helps in unifying people from different parts of the world to share their thoughts and opinions about a topic or any wrongdoings happening in the world. For instance, you can see many different backgrounds and ethnicities of people working together in jobs because they can communicate freely due to their knowledge and fluency in English language.
Although this does not prompt that it doesn’t have any cons to it, if English becomes the only medium of communication then people would forget about their own mother tongue, to explain this let’s take an example of second generation immigrants, whose parents came from different parts of the world to seek better opportunities for them which were scarce in their own country and had shifted to USA, UK and Europe which as a result had a significant impact because these children were not fluent in their own mother tongue, having very little information about their origins, traditions and customs of its people. The very own existence of their own country and its history would be forgotten if English is made to be the only language spoken globally. For instance, it is said that music has no barriers, and this is true because people from different countries have songs sung in their own language and if these songs are made to sing in English then the beauty and the ambiguity of the song would be destroyed completely.
In conclusion, although English has gradually become a language to be more used globally, it does not mean that it has the ability to replace other languages, because each language speaks volumes about their history and origins of its country, similarly it is important to be proud of your heritage and that is by firstly respecting your own mother tongue.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 17, 2021 at 8:39 PMEnglish is becoming significantly the most prominent language globally used, because of the expanding growth in tourism industry and this is the reason why some people believe that it would lead to English becoming the only language used internationally. In my opinion, I completely disagree with this statement that English language will be the only form of communication.
The language do offers various advantages to it, being that it is one of the most globally used language and is a pre-requisite if you want to work in international markets, world esteemed multinational companies and even if you simply want to pursue your education in foreign countries. It is the language which helps in unifying people from different parts of the world to share their thoughts and opinions about a topic or any wrongdoings happening in the world. For instance, you can see many different backgrounds and ethnicities of people working together in jobs because they can communicate freely due to their knowledge and fluency in English language.
Although this does not prompt that it doesn’t have any cons to it, if English becomes the only medium of communication then people would forget about their own mother tongue, to explain this let’s take an example of second generation immigrants, whose parents came from different parts of the world to seek better opportunities for them which were scarce in their own country and had shifted to USA, UK and Europe which as a result had an significant impact because these children were not fluent in their own mother tongue, having very little information about their origins, traditions and customs of its people. The very own existence of their own country and its history would be forgotten if English is made to be the only language spoken globally. For instance, it is said that music has no barriers, and this is true because people from different countries have songs sung in their own language and if these songs are made to sing in English then the beauty and the ambiguity of the song would be destroyed completely.
In conclusion, although English has gradually become a language to be more used globally, it does not mean that it has the ability to replace other languages, because each language speaks volumes about their history and origins of its country, similarly it is important to be proud of your heritage and that is by firstly respecting your own mother tongue.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 19, 2021 at 5:24 PMThe growth of tourism has resulted the English language as one of significant languages in the world. Few think that this circumstance might lead this to be the only medium to communicate in the near future. This essay will be emphasizing on the benefits and the drawbacks on having a single language spoken throughout the world.
The main advantage of English being the only language in the world would make it easier to communicate with others. One can easily understand others feelings and perceptions leading us to empathise on them. Moreover, Single language would result in developing international relations which would embark peace and harmony among the whole world.
The Drawback in this situation is that the local culture and traditions might be forgotten. Although, We can learn about different cultures and traditions with no difficulty but, the fact is that we cannot dig deep about them. English language would not create a sense of relatability among the locals on the cost of their own language, This change would make them remain unhappy forever.
Summing up all the facts, English being the only language would be a efficient measure as it would reduce the struggles people face during an encounter speaking a language you don’t understand. Though, the localism would be extinct but if you see a bigger picture, countries will improve their among themselves resulting no war or any sort violence to ever occur.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 21, 2021 at 2:02 PMIntroduction: resulted the English language as one of- rephrase more clearly
BP 1: empathize on- empathize with
Moreover, Single- Moreover, single
Bp 2: Drawback- drawback
Conclusion: a efficient- an efficient
Don’t write you or I in body paragraphs
Work on punctuation and grammatical mistakes
Band Score: 3/6 Keep Writing!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 29, 2021 at 7:39 AMHi Falak ,
Please find the attachment .
Feedback : Stick to one idea per paragraph, develop answer accordingly . Repetition of idea with repetitive words would not be recommended. Use cohesive devices . Conclusion is must in writing Task-2 . No examples found.
Band : 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 30, 2021 at 7:58 AM‘The supremacy of English language is due to the tourism’ , is a topic which is being discussed a lot now a days . Many people believe that this is paving the path for English language towards the only language in the world. Whether, for the human kind , will this be beneficial or not ? This essay will discuss on both side and finally will caste a glimpse on the disadvantage of one ruler.
‘A major part of the society’ was made convinced that the English language is a wide spread language amongst the world and tourism is making it even an international language. They illustrate it further that any where in the world , amongst the human being, the language should not be a bar and any one should be capable enough to fluently communicate with each other , this will help to human being not only in finalizing the business deal but also in dissipating the various discrimination. Thus the importance of only one language is being justified.
But on the other hand , many people oppose the idea and claim that the prevalence of only one language will triggered many other hitches. The same is encapsulated that local person can not be as fluent in one language as the native can , so the precedence of one language not only will make them feel inferior but also will cause the raze to the prosperity, exists everywhere , and so will lead to another language based discrimination. Therefore the existence of only one language can not be grounded.
Eventually , the conclusion can be derived that the languages carry the sentiments of the local people and represent the greatness of their culture. The idea of having only one language can not be considered as a good for the society and should not be favored either. I strongly oppose the same.
@ Abhinav sir, four evaluation please
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 30, 2021 at 2:29 PMEnglish is the most prominent language in the world to develop tourism. Some people think that the English will be the only language to be spoken. In this essay let us see the pros and cons of the English becoming the only language to be spoken in the world.
The advantages of having one language is that there will be no lack of information when communicating in a common language. Countries had a great boom in their economy. For instance, countries like Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Turkey, Nepal they got a chance to export their goods with the developed countries. In the field of Information and Technology they are exploring the opportunities in the developed countries. In the top Multi National Companies many portfolio heads are from the developing countries and they compete with the developed countries. Many students are getting chance to do their tertiary education in their dream countries.
The disadvantages of globalizing English as the only language is extinct of local cultures. There are many languages older than English. Every language has their own fame. There are huge literatures and novels in their regional language. Imposition of any language will lead to protest so that the locality’s peace will get affected. In some countries people’s occupation is based on the literature so they will be having an impact. If a language of the locality starts to extinct, then their culture will get vanish. Language plays a vital role to preserve their culture and life style.
In conclusion, even though there are many advantages, we must consider the disadvantages of having English as a global language.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 1, 2021 at 6:43 PMTourism has absolutely played a major role in increasing the prominence of the English language. Why do some people believe that this will eventually lead to English becoming the only language spoken? In this essay, we shall discuss the benefits and drawbacks of having one language universally.
As it appears that, tourism is an important contributor to the rising economy for many developing countries, the major advantages of having one language universally would make communication easier since the majority of the travelers are from English-speaking countries, and it will let them feel comfortable instead of being anxious. Furthermore, trade and business opportunities between the two countries will be efficient. Likewise, many historical areas which are being unexplored owing to inadequate translators can be avoided. This concept would also bring people all around the world together.
On the other hand, confining local languages would ruin the values and moral beliefs of a nation. For instance, In India, culture, language and heritage are all interlinked and it may affect traditions being heeded from thousands of years maintained by ancestors leading to the extinction of localism. Having said that, it is possible to make English a universal language, but it is dubious if every country can attain fluency and pronunciation to the level of a native speaker. Pragmatically, the richness of world civilizations comes from a variety of languages.
In conclusion, a single universal language is beneficial for every country and improves the relationship among them, but to do so will challenge the ethos, local languages, and may damage the growth of a nation in the future.
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