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    Posted by Unknown Member on October 5, 2021 at 1:04 PM

    Some people fail in school, but end up being successful in life.

    Why do you think that is the case?

    What is the most important thing to succeed in life?

    Unknown Member replied 3 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 5, 2021 at 2:10 PM

    Some people tend to perform poor in their schools, but in real world, they end up achieving all the success and riches of life. According to me, there is no hard and fast rule for success in life. One’s grades in school, does not determine the real potential the person possess. The more the person’s desire for success is, the closer he is to his destination.

    Every human being has got a distinctive meaning of success. For some, it might be money and fame, while for some it might be a cozy family and a peaceful life. School teaches you a limited curriculum, while the real life throws indefinite obstacles and hurdles on your way, drenching you of your sanity and motivation. While the school teaches you how to pass your tests, it fails to teach you how to handle and overcome your failures. Now the person who manages to go past these stumbling blocks of life, is the one who gets to taste success.

    There are numerous characteristics a person needs to possess, for instance resilience and prowess, to become successful in life. But unfortunately, schools fail miserably when it comes to delivering these qualities in their students. While many schools are still following the age old curriculums, the students often are compelled to learn these essential life skills on their own with experience. However, not everyone is built strong enough to break the shackles of life. Hence, not everyone gets to get successful.

    With the growing technology and competition, if you are not fast paced enough and meet the level of expertise others possess, you will be left far behind in the race of success. Schools, unfortunately, are not capable enough of equipping the students with accurate skills needed for the market. Schools often miss out on teaching important skills to the students like knowledge of managing finances, tolerance for failures, managing relationships and a lot more.

    However bad your grades might be, if you are exceptionally skilled for your field, resilient enough to handle your failures and have the power to stand up again once you fall , you are always leading ahead of those with good grades.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 5, 2021 at 2:32 PM

    Some people do not get good results in school but in the end, they become successful in their carrier. In my opinion, the reason of this issue is antiquated education system and I think the most important element for success is the persistent efforts of a person to achieve pre-set goals.

    The primary reason behind this case is the antiquated education system which is followed by most of the schools and its syllabus has not been revised or changed for a very long time. Moreover, this conventional approach also creates discrimination among students because those students who are good at science or mathematics are only considered brilliant students, and other students are considered unqualified students. The education system is unable to recognize the skill set that has by those unqualified students. For instance, if a student is good at Biology, and not at other subjects, his overall performance at school would be below par and children do not have any option other than to follow their own syllabus.

    The most important key to success is the persistent efforts of a person to follow his goal. A person should have a positive attitude, determination and should to do work hard for achieving the pre-set goals. A person should capable to belligerent even if he has faced defeat in life. To illustrate, many well-known famous faces who have been through various problems in their life but now become role models for everyone and everyone admired and followed them. So, I believe that a person should have a passion to attain success in life.

    In a nutshell, I would like to say that the poor and old-fashioned education system is the key to the non-performance of some people and in case of the most significant factor behind the success is a forerunner.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 6, 2021 at 2:42 PM

    Even though some people fail in their school, make their life successful. No one can predict what tomorrow brings to their life. In this essay let us see how people fail in their school but being successful in their life. Also, we will see what are all the vital thing to succeed in life.

    To begin with, some people are not aware of their career. When they are young, they do not have any responsibilities. They are playful and their moto is to enjoy their age. In the phase of job hunt they will be facing many rejections. Feeling shamed by the words of kith and kin which gives a fire to success in life. Rejections and shame are the two main roads towards their successful life.

    In addition to it, to be successful in life hard work and rise after the failure are important. Success without toil is vain. Hard work gives determination towards the success. Failures are the stepping stones to success. The raise after each failure makes them stronger every time. Perseverance is also one of the most important factor to make life successful. People must lack something for their success. For instance, people who get good score lost their time sleep, people who won in Olympics have sacrificed their favourite food. The pleasure of sacrifices felt when they attain the success.

    In conclusion, the more they work hard, the easier life gets. Journey towards success begins when people realize the purpose of life. The path of success is not a bed of roses it is full of thrones.

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