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    September 21, 2022 at 4:46 AM

    Permissive parenting promotes complete freedom for children, yet such a child-rearing method cannot be observed as positive, since it brings struggles in future with career irresponsibility and social-life. The following paragraphs analyze this parenting technique with the appalling aftermaths.

    Firstly, see why the other kinds of child-minding stand against whole freedom for kids? The answer to this question would eventually rectify that non-restrictive style of upbringing is damaging. In other words, when the father and mother take a less-burdened approach toward their child, at times of any faults, the kids will undoubtedly see the situation favorable as there is no authoritative figure to correct and guide them. Hence, these kids build an easy-going as well as non-fearing mindset, moreover, such a comfortable circumstance would results in cumulative repetition of mistakes. Indian parenting style ratio can be relooked for a clarification, where only 20% of whole Indian families seem permissive,

    Furthermore, if the family meet all their child’s wishes, by the late adolescent period, they grew up like arrogant and stubborn with its’ aftereffects on not only academic but also on jobs. For instance, single parents often chose to loosen their authoritative rules set on their kids, unfortunately, these off-springs showcase more absenteeism and fail to follow organizational rules and hierarchy chains at workplace. What’s more, the free-minded parents can simply ruin their children’s profession. In addition, as long as the guardians act permissive for all the demands, the children will be inept in money management and in moral values such as sharing and caring.

    In conclusion, it is crucial to think about permissive parenting style as this child-caring type is observed to be detrimental for the children with the outcomes of cumbersome social living as well as low-grade professional performance.

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