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  • Isha Singha

    January 10, 2023 at 12:04 AM

    Occasionally, people propose that children in primary schools should acquire skills to cultivate vegetables and keeping pets. Food is a fundamental and basic requirement of human life for survival.I accept that it is a necessary technique that all children must learn because kids will become more responsible by taking care of plants and pets when they take ownership. There are both merits and demerits associated with this topic, which we will discuss in detail below.

    Firstly, there is the benefit of knowledge, which will have a tremendous impact. To illustrate, if primary school children show an interest in growing vegetables, they may learn about the various varieties of vegetables available as well as the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in them.As a result, it will lead to better health standards. Vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, and cabbage, for example, which are considered the best source of vitamins, can be grown at home because they are easy to maintain and play an important role in keeping children healthy.Moreover, while spending time with the animals, children come to know the value of love and honesty because most of the animals are very loyal and loving in nature. Research published by famous scholar H. Kimball suggests having pets like dogs prevents burglaries, and pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.

    Despite the benefits, giving thought to growing vegetables and keeping animals has some disadvantages as well. The primary concern is the rise in health problems. To elaborate, growing vegetables must be done under supervision or guidance because children are unaware of the health consequences of mixing soil and seeds with some of the fertilizers, including pesticides, that are present in the soil and are harmful or allergenic to children.whereby children can be exposed threat on their skin such as rashes, itching, and redness. Apart from this, maintaining some pets at home would be an uphill task, especially for children, because some pets animals may carry contagious diseases like rabies, , etc., which can be easily transmitted to kids and may cause illness.

    In conclusion, though there are some tangible benefits involved with this approach of having schoolchildren learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals.Specifically, knowledge, as well as feelings of love and loyalty. It has more adverse effects because of rising health issues among children.

    – Grammatical errors.

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