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  • Sohail Madan

    February 1, 2023 at 8:58 AM

    Some people commit that increasing government’s focus on reducing environmental and housing problems will lead to prevention of illness and disease. I do agree to this statement to great extent. However, i believe that not all of the health issues are avoidable, genetically transformed deformities could be one example.

    In the past, it has been seen that officials did try to improve environment health, but it failed drastically. One reason for this could be lower degree of focus. In my opinion government should bring in the laws that involve strict actions on members of society who tend to pollute the environment or ignite the housing issues. Post achieving the target, food, air wouldn’t be contaminated, which are major source of illness and disease. Moreover, with proper residents people could prevent themselves from scorching heat or icy cold weather.

    A study demonstrates, a person whose ancestors had diabetes are more likely to catch it than anyone else. Furthermore, lower physical activities and inappropriate choice of food results in more diseases than pollution or housing problems. We can’t just rely on officials, we need to protect ourselves as well by making the right choices about what we consume and what we do.

    To conclude, I would say improved environment and reduced housing problems would definitely prevent illness and diseases. However we still have some of deformities that are hard to prevent but by taking care of ourselves we can dramatically reduce the chances of it occurring.

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