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  • Khyathi

    May 31, 2023 at 1:37 PM

    The pictures depict the changes occurred in Felixstone in the time period of 1967 and 2001. Major changes are commercialization of the farmland and beach site.

    In 1967, there was a golf course towards the west, which has not undergone any changes till 2001. To the east there used to be a farmland that has been developed into hotel, tennis courts and a swimming pool in 2001. In between golf course and the farmland there’s a high street connecting the main road with shops on its either sides in 1967, shops on the right side of the high street were replaced with apartments in 2001.

    To the south of the Felixstone major swap can be seen. Partition of the beach into public and private, removal of fish market, marina and pier has been done in 2001. Wind turbines under the dunes and car park near hotel were also installed at that time. However, the café in the southwest has remained untouched.


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