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  • Isha Singha

    June 1, 2023 at 9:54 PM

    The map illustrates the urbanization of a town called Felixstone. There have been several changes between 1967 to 2001. Most notably, the town has developed into a resort destination, due to the construction of hotels and beaches.

    In 1967, the southern region of Felixstone had a marina and pier touching the sea, due to which the fishing market flourished. Also, near the pier, there was a hotel, and in the midst of it all, there was a small café. Felixstone had its own high street in the northern region, accommodating numerous shops. To the west, there was a golf course, and behind it were dunes. Whereas, to the east, there was a large farmland.

    In 2001, the marina, pier, and fish market were replaced by a huge public and private beach. This tourist spot caused, the number of accommodations to increase near the high street, more hotels with swimming pools, tennis courts, and car parks were built, which led to the removal of the farmland. Moreover, the golf course, café, and a few shops have stood the test of time, and the dunes are now accompanied by wind turbines.

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