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  • Khyathi

    June 4, 2023 at 7:14 PM

    The bar diagram depicts the popularity of the famous Instagram influencers in 2011 and 2021. In the chart given, we can observe the change in the number of followers of the well-known Instagram influencers in 2011 and 2021. The followers for all the users are increased in 2021 compared to 2018.

    The influencer with highest number of followers in 2018 is Selena Gomez, whereas the least is for The Rock with nearly 130 million and 90million followers respectively. Cristiana Ronaldo and Ariana Grande have approximately 110million while Kylie Jenner is near to the 100 million followers.

    In 2021, influencers with highest and least followers are Cristiana Ronaldo and Selena Gomez with 320 million and 240 million respectively. Whereas, The Rock, Ariana Grande, and Kylie Jenner have around 250 million followers.

    Finally, we can see a major hike i.e., 3 times in Cristiano Ronaldo’s followers in 2021 and a major fall i.e., less than twice in Selena Gomez followers. The remaining has nearly double the followers in 2021.


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