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  • Rashmi

    June 2, 2021 at 12:10 AM

    Our environment is facing several perilous concerns, with overpopulation leading the chain as most other issues which threaten the environment, are but just by-products of the exploding population. I fully agree with the contention and elaborate the same with facts and figures below.

    At the outset, it is pertinent to state that increased life spans coupled with excessive birth rate have been fuelling the growth of population across the continents more specifically in the Asian region. For instance India and Bangladesh are the highest contributors for this rise in population, however China has been able to cap it by implementing strict regulations. This constant increase, has resulted in over stress on natural resources including fossil fuels, water and the like which are now at the risk of being completely depleted and are a big environmental concern.

    Secondly, this massive overgrowth has also caused mass de-forestation, just to propel the economic needs of the ever growing societies, ranging from timber to rubber, which has in-turn triggered various environmental concerns like global warming apart from air pollution and extinction of many endangered species of wild life thereby disturbing the entire ecosystem.

    To conclude, it will not be an overstatement to say that unless global efforts are made to contain this ticking population bomb, we will be left with no air or water to survive. Government regulation to limit the size of families along-with support from social groups to educate people can undoubtedly control this menace.

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