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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    June 5, 2021 at 1:05 PM

    According to some individual spending money on collection of arts by the authorities is a good decision on creating a reserve of exceptional work but at the same time there are also some other individuals who thinks that there are many other areas where this amount can be spent for the betterment of the society.

    There is a need to create a depository of arts for our future generation as well as for foreign individuals. As it attracts the tourism and people come to see this kind of work in the museum which result in an income and development to the native country. Admittedly it also attracts our future generation to do something innovative in the field of art and painting. Many a time this work is also sold in the auction which is of high value.

    However, the expenditure on collection of artworks should be in reasonable amount as there are other areas like Poverty, Better Infrastructure which required the budget and attention of the government. The topmost priority for the authorities should be these areas and if still left with any budget, then remaining should be allocated to artwork. Because nothing is more significant than to the development of human being and the prestigious art is of no value if the people of the country is dying due to poverty or they do not have a house to live in.

    To summarize, I must say that the priority for the government is to focus on other areas before collection of arts. But that does not mean government should stop funding the artwork as all these exceptional works is proud things for any country and reasonable budget should be allocated for these activities as well.

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