Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 11:03 PMAdvertising undoubtedly is a double-edged sword where it can be sometimes necessary to update people with new products that may improve lives otherwise lures them to buy things which actually serves no beneficial purpose. Clearly both these aspects should be taken into meticulous consideration before acquiring a conclusion.
Advertising through all sorts of media including social networking platforms, television, radio, newspapers try to project a barrage of vast variety of products to the public. Therefore, increase the reach of facilities to a larger sector of our society. Advertising not only aim at facilitating the common people but also helps growing businesses hire more customers. Apart from that advertising brings in competition among the sellers leading to innovations or improvements in their products. These competitions indeed lead sellers to cut corners aiming at enticing more customers. Thus products which remained off-reach for many people are now available at affordable prices. Advertising utilises its power to reach millions of people also to spread general awareness in important issues of public importance. At the present scenario health facilities, health care and precautions to be followed during the global pandemic is reached out to people through advertising through various communication medium.
However, advertising do have its own shortcomings. It spreads the notion of unrealistic desires which are insatiable in the real world. For instance, The beauty standards set in advertising cosmetic products is beyond the reality.Certain advertisement creates an illusion among people to think that their products are actually vital for survival. And everyday we could see incidents of people trapped in deceptive offers of advertisements .At times, people find advertisements disruptive and invasive usually, when it pops up during an important being done .This obviously leads people to grab on to ad-free subscriptions to save themselves from untimely advertisements.
So, as discussed through the various aspects of advertisements its complicated to come to a conclusion saying that advertisements are beneficial or not. But as far as I could see ,their benefits outweigh the negatives.