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  • Femmy

    June 9, 2021 at 1:29 AM

    Dear Jane ,

    How are you? Every thing working well ? I can’t believe it’s been a month since we last met . Well now the wait is over as I am organizing the party at my home. Of course , you are invited and this time I am not listening any excuse . You have to come and see me

    I am so excited to share the wonderful news that finally my brother has cracked the IAS exam. You know that these exams are not everyone’s cup of tea. Despite of failures, he never gave up and he finally cracked the exam .My parents are throwing a surprise party for him. Oh! Good news needs to be celebrated .

    Also, I know you are extremely bad with the directions , so guiding you in advance how to reach the venue. As you will enter the Marina Street, take left and you will see In bold letters ‘PARK AVENUES’ . It won’t be a problem for you as it is very popular and by any chance you missed the direction, you can ask anybody .

    Dearie, you need not to worry about the accommodation as we have made arrangements for that . Not only we have booked the hotel rooms but also you are most welcome to stay at my home. It’s totally your choice in either way you feel more comfortable.

    With love,


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