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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    June 26, 2021 at 2:54 PM

    Certain people think that hosting International sporting events gives perfect chance to show the calibre of the country to the world. However others consider that these kind of events are mainly wastage of money .

    Organising such kind of sport events are beneficial for the hosting country . It inhibits the ideas, customs and social behaviour of the nation.

    First and foremost advantage of hosting international events is that the host country becomes centre of attention and attracts many sport loving tourist . this brings prestige and honour to the country . such mega events will bring a great opportunity for the local business to expand and many engineers and workers are hired for building of infra structures and many talented workers will be employed .Hosting such events is definitely worth investing if it is well planned.

    Although these events consumes huge amount of money for organising ,for instance constructing suitable infra structure such as stadiums , accommodation for the visitors, athletes and their companions .Moreover such mega events will have some negative outcomes for the residents .While building infra structures , government orders to evict residents in order to build up new stadiums and roads .

    In conclusion , despite the expenses involved in hosting international sports event, I believe that the benefits associated with such events will be massive .

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