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  • Vignesh

    July 9, 2021 at 10:25 PM

    In this fast moving world, to create or sustain a market share for a Product/ service is really important. Companies bring in various marketing strategies and one such important factor is advertisement. Starting from advertising in Newspapers ,billboard hoardings and Digital banners, it has now reached our hands through mobile phones. There is a growing opinion amongst a faction of people that advertisements often mislead people into buying things which are unnecessary. However, I am of the contrary opinion that advertisements undoubtedly acts as a source of information about new products and services.

    Advertisement is an important chain in the chain of innovation and discovery. A New product can only be upgraded or optimized only by putting it into the hands of people and get their feedbacks and further requirements. For achieving the important task of reaching a target group ,advertisements plays a huge role. As a result people not only buy a new equipment but also it aides in inproving their standard of living. When a company gets its product advertised, it seeks to improve its quality and lower its price. It is their endeavour to improve their own product rather than finding fault with the product of their rivals. In this way a healthy competition prevails in the market and the entire society stands to gain from it.

    It can also be said that advertisement aids in boosting the economy of a country. The effect of advertising is not confined to the four walls of a country , rather it has spread throughout the world. A product developed in rural India can also be marketed through social media advertisement to a person residing in Newyork.Thus it opens up the option of export which eventually increases the foreign exchange reserves of the country.

    To summarise ,advertisements act as an information booth for people by enabling them to choose a product from anywhere in the world which meets their requirement and price range.

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