The process diagram illustrates the manufacturing process to produce Fish pie.
Overall, it is a liner process comprises of mainly two parallel production lines: one the processing of Salman fish & another for the processing of Potato chips followed by the final manufacturing of the Fish Pie. It comprises of total 15 stages excluding the final storage & dispatch.
In the begging, the potatoes are delivered to the line. The potatoes are then cleaned properly under the jet spray and pilled off to remove it’s skin. After this, they are sliced in small pieces and boiled to cook. Following this the slices are chilled and stored for further use.
In parallel, the fresh Salmon fish are brought to the production line. The fish are first marinated with the Lemon Juice & salt. Following this, they are cocked by steam in the oven. The Skin of fish is removed before going through the inspection. In the final process of manufacturing of fish pie, they are mixed with the pre-prepared peas & sauce followed by mixing with the stored potato slices.
Once produced, the fish pies are then hand wrapped and sent to the freezer for the final dispatch to the store.