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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 12, 2021 at 9:58 PM

    The provided diagram illustrates the different steps which were carried out in order to make frozen fish pies.

    Overall, production of fish pies evolve fifteen steps .All steps are significant while preparing this dish if any of it is missed than it may hault the entire process.

    To commence with, cleaning of potato with the fresh water is the initial step so as to remove the dust and chemicals .After that, they are peeled off and sliced into several pieces than they are being put into a microwave container with suitable amount of water so as to boil all the potatoes ; left the container undisturbed for process of chilling at a room temperature .Then ,potato chips are stored into packets.

    Morever, salmon undergoes the marination process ,by adding some ingredients like lime and salt to get deeply absorbed than it is steam cooked into oven .After steam, skins and bones are removed firstly than it is further sent for inspection and later on, peas and sauce are prepared by saute into a bowl than it is wrapped and again freezed .Eventually, it is ready for dispatch into superstores and markets through delivery.

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