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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 14, 2021 at 9:48 PM


    Mr. Joshep

    10, Hungerford Street.

    East Australia.

    Pin Code: SW1A 2AA

    Subject: Scarcity of hot water

    Dear Mr. Joshep,

    This is to bring to your notice, that from the past couple of weeks the hot water facility is not available in our flat as the geysers available in both the washrooms are not functioning properly. I am writing this letter with extreme grievance that despite of several reminders, till today, i.e., 14th July 2021, the problem hasn’t been resolved.

    As you may be aware of the fact that ‘Brington school of English Language’ conducts the second semester examination in the month of August, thus for us it is not even a month’s time that is left to get prepared for the examination.

    Moreover in Australia, July is the coldest month and the winter season continues till the month of August. Hence, as the examination is knocking at the door, it is very much important to keep ourselves away from getting cold and staying fit.

    Therefore to recapitulate, I would request you to please resolve the hot water related issues at the earliest and I look forward to your input on this.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Yours faithfully,

    Mayukh Ghosh

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