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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 15, 2021 at 7:10 PM

    These days children are more into computers and their whole day runs with it. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the previous sentence with suitable instances.

    Firstly, due to computer usage, there are some major disadvantages like children may become weak and should have to encounter health issues. In addition to this there is a chance to addict to computers and as a result, studies will get neglected. By using computers continuously adolescent’s eyesight may get weaker moreover it should affect their immune system. For instance, At present most of the youngsters are having spectacles at a very early age even doctors are advising parents to keep their adolescents away from computers. Especially, youngsters are addicted to the games on the computer and they are passing their most of the time on it. As a result, studies will get distracted therefore the level of concentration automatically decreases.

    Secondly, there are few advantages as well like, In the computer can find everything including knowledge development programs. It boosts problem-solving skills and increases self-esteem. Children are love to spend their time on the computer more than spending time in the classroom so that they will enjoy learning with the system, automatically their grasping power improves. For instance, Even schools are upgrading from traditional classrooms to smart classes just to attract students. Comparatively practical live classes are more intensive than theoretical classes. Therefore, youngsters remember the concept and they will apply it in real time. Moreover, In a computer network, millions of queries are there according to their level of thinking.

    To summarise, Proper guidance and support from the parents and teachers can eliminate these disadvantages and with proper use of a computer, children can reach to heights.

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